How to fix pallies and shamans

Shamans get bubble

Pallies get
chain lightning exorcism that always crits and can 50% of the time cast twice
grounding “aura” every 30 seconds that invalidates a spell
holy purge
all other op shaman runes but holy in the name

just some ideas


make sure you dont add anything else that the pally has to try and further your point.

yeah like blessing of freedom or salvation

oh wait…



bubble 2.



stun2. (edit to correct: it is an incapacitate whoopdeedoo!)

i can go on if you like but they are making it closer with every patch so why not wait till we get shamaladins on both sides ?

sure why not have BoP if I can just purge it off :sunglasses:

my guy, totems are quite literally the counter equivalent of blessings. what blessings do paladins have that you don’t have as a shaman besides BoP?

stun2 is an incap, not a stun.

sure you can have a stun when you don’t get to passively resist mine :slight_smile:


you know what they say about orc stun resist racial.

it 1% if its the orc player and 99% if its the opponent.

sure they do buddy, sure they do

wait homie Elisande can you please grant me instant healing like MSW? only this time I want AoW to give me a free instant holy light at 0 mana cost

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is that why it only takes 2 and a half blessings to output what our totem does on 5 people?

or that blessings are functionally better in raids all but windfury which you also have on alliance now too?

you havent done a real deep dive on the effects of your blessings vs the output of totems.

oh no!!! guess we better make totems work raid wide (in instanced PVE only) then idgaf

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yep blessings are raid wide.

you also will have greater blessings in a few weeks btw.

must not forget about that either.

but ya please go on and not state what a pally has at all to further the point and throw off anything stated as bunk.

it totally makes your points great!

yeah I mean if only I had relayed accurate class depictions such as “stun2” and “bubble 2”

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meh i diddnt get the classification right on the stun 2.

incapacitate then.

here ill go edit the post.

btw im going to bed .

need my beauty sleep being an orc i need alot of it.

goodnight sweet orc angel <3

Lmao these paladins guilted aggrend to come into their discord and babysit them, brush their teeth, give them buffs, and tuck them into bed. And they still wake up the next morning crying. You’re all absolutely pathetic and the perfect representation of why you don’t negotiate with terrorists.

Just give up on SoD pvp man

Cata pvp is actually pretty fun.

Give it a try.

waiting for cata, just got to 80 but feels pointless to try to gear now


some clown reported my response and it was taken down because I abbreviated a PG-13 word :clown_face: :clown_face: :clown_face:

here’s my edited response:

lmao bro what buff did they give us? SEAL TWISTING? they even acknowledge in the post nothing really changes for ret, instead of making any meaningful change to ret gameplay besides HIT EXORCISM WHEN U MAKE CRIT, they gave us a janky bug mechanic that was never intended gameplay and called it a day, then turned around and was like “here shaman have 200 spell power for free on the house, also flame shock spreads to 5 targets instead of 3 now”

or are you talking about the mana regen from martyrdom after it was glaringly obvious alliance was severely gimped on mana compared to horde in PVE? I swear some of you SILLY BILLIES live in an alternate reality

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:thinking: :thinking:

The bubble you forget you can do spell damage through or purge off?

I think there is a clear disconnect between you understanding your class and every other class under the sun.