How to fix one of WoW PVP's issues in BFA

How to fix BFA WoW Pvps design, from a 2800 Multi Gladiator player across several toons, Demon Hunter, WW monk, Ret Paladin.

It’s clear to me that WoW’s PVP Design isn’t very well thought out in some areas, the one i’m going to be focusing on is Abilities and their use in both PVP and PVE. I’ve found in the overwhelming majority of cases that most classes “Passive choices” On their talent tree, are actually the best talent for DPS, Healing, ect. Which shouldn’t be the case, a player should be rewarded for complicating their rotation with a slight advantage, it takes far more mechanical skill to manage. Here are some examples.

Demon hunter: Dark slash vs First blood. (First blood does infinitly better, not only does it increase single target, AOE damage, AND give a fury reduction to blade dance, it also increases your survivability, as you’re just spamming it as a DPS button, instead of using your situational awarness to choose when to dance to get the most value out of it, like parrying an execute, or mortal strike. This pushes for more brain-dead gameplay, rather than technical, Darkslash however takes setup, practice, and gives you a short window to eyebeam, pop trinkets, apply slash, and make sure to build fury before all this so you don’t oom mid-slash debuff, it’s clear which one takes more skill, yet First blood is better…in every situation. It should be the opposite.

WW monk. Chi burst, Chi wave, Eye of the tiger. Now it’s very clear, Chi burst does modiocre damage, has a cast time, and needs to be aimed, yet it does significantly less damage and healing than wave, or eye of the tiger. in contrast to WoD’s version of PVP, where it was timed well and considered the best.
Again another scenario where the passive is better than the -on use abilities that make classes spicier.

Conclusion: Blizzard needs to start rewards the more complicated builds, and harder to use abilities rather than making most passives BEST for each class.
A good way to do this is to have one talent per tree that’s “Casual” Friendly, that a causal player can use, get away with, but they’re not that great so it is weaker than the other two “On-use” Abilities that are situational, and overall better. But of course, take more mechanical and awareness-like skill to use. What do you guys think, and do you have any other examples of passives being way better than all the on-use abilities?


I dont get it.

For some reason it didn’t save the full post when I posted, sorry mate! It’s fixed now!