How To Fix Inferno Dungeons

Add the summonanble NPCs that gave your party buffs from Gammas. Make it an Earthen Ring person that gives you a fire, water, earth, or air buff. One for casters, one for melee, one for tanks, one for healers.
Heck just copy the old buffs but with new names and icons. Couldn’t be that hard to implement.
Reduce the slog of clearing Protocol Healthsponge in one easy change.

Why do they need fixing, what is the context of this thread.

I am not to sure they need “fixing” just that health nob turned down just a hair. Being designed for catchup shouldn’t mean people with full gear of the level it grants (current BIS players) shouldn’t pass out from boredom killing the things unless they are in a full guild group of which its not that bad. Sure, this week it was/is not really odd for that to happen…


Imagine in a month… two months… and its all freshly dinged players and half of them are drooling on themselves… and its going to be 8 minute to enrage fights as you just pound away on HP sponges.