How to fix holy:

Bring back Holy Radiance, but as a Holy Power spender, since Holy Radiance was a targetable circular AoE, give it competitive numbers and problem solved. Light of Dawn always felt like it should have been the generator not spender anyway.

Also replace Glimmer with ‘Eternal Flame’.

Also make the Legion talent ‘Beacon of the Lightbringer’ baseline.

Judgement should have a 100 percent chance to reduce the holy power by 1 of your next spender. And I think we would be OK. The legendary that has the 50% chance feels like it should already be baked into the kit…

I feel like I’m going to have to go heavy into crit when playing holy just to feel any power while healing. And its gonna be awkward in PvP because my haste doesn’t feel high enough and without the crit I can barely keep up with 2 players wailing on a player.

Also why am I so squishy?? Does my gear just suck. I’m watching disc priests kite 3 players around for MINUTES at a time and I can barely handle ONE INTTERUPT and I’m dead without a cooldown.


Right now I don’t think numbers a problem. It’s the quality of life and the way the class feels is very rigid so they need to incorporate holy power generation to many abilities considering our freaking regular heals are really expensive compared to what other healers have.

That’s…like…terrible advice yo.


Here is terrible advice (but might actually work)… Heal as prot spec lol


Might be an unpopular opinion but I don’t think Judgement should generate Holy Power. It would push us too much into a fixed rotation.

We already have a HS and CS (if mana cost is reduced) that are already kind of give us a pseudo rotation but there’s enough room still to do other stuff, adding yet another short CD generator like Judgement would make for a more rigid gameplay where you always cast the next spell in your “rotation”.

I also don’t think LOD should be turned into a builder because of the same reasons and because I think we should have to make decisions on how to spend our HolyPower (if anything I think it just needs a buff to make it more competitive).

So what then?.. I think that if the goal is to make Holy Paladins care about mana the answer is not to just make CS super expensive, the pseudo-rotation of healing trough Holy Shock, CS, and spenders should be our “light” rotation that does some ok healing at close to neutral cost (or very low) and we should have some more costly spells that we use that break that cycle but allow us to funnel more mana into healing, so perhaps a no-cd but mana expensive generator (Holy Radiance perhaps).

TO reiterate on this thread as my PALADIN, not my mage (weird glitch):
Crusader strike can keep its fairly high mana cost but these changes are NEEDED and then I can shut up and enjoy my class forever and all eternity

-Infusion of Light changes reverted
-Holy Light/Flash of Light casts under Infusion of Light grant 1 holy power
-Light of Dawn: 10 second CD, 15% base mana, Generates 1 Holy Power instead of costing 3
-Word of Glory: Now heals depending on amount of holy power consumed (1-3)
-Avenging Crusader (Level 45 Talent) in addition now also causes Holy Shock, when used offensively, to heal up to 3 targets for 150% of damage dealt
-Awakened (Level 45 Talent) removed: Eternal Flame replaces Word of Glory.
-Beacon of the Lightbringer baseline
-Beacon of Virtue (Talent) either off GCD or generates holy power upon cast

This one I highly doubt they will ever put in but I just thought I’d add it for fun because I LOVED cheesing this in MoP when Beacon of Light was off gcd lol.

  • Glimmer of Light removed, New Talent (Beacon of Hope) Causes Beacon of Light to be off GCD)

These changes are simple and can easily be implemented. Please guys, we really need to be vocal about these changes so that we can enjoy holy paladin again.

How to Fix SL Holy:

Get to level 60, finish the campaign and hit 40 Renown for your Covenant (I strongly recommend Kyrian), get all of your Soul Binds and all of your Covenant Conduits and see how much you like holy, then come back here and tell us if Holy needs to be fixed.

How do the disc priests do it? Kite masters.

You have a beta invite for us than cowboy?

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I wish I could. I am trying to do a good job Beta testing. With so many new systems in the game, it is challenging.

The infusion of light change single handedly killed my hpal for me. They really need to revert it along with fixing their current mana issues.


The infusion of light change is really awful.

Please just give us fast cast holy light back.

I know it’s too late to ask this but holy power doesn’t feel good when i really only have one spell to use it with. I don’t like this class design decision. Make holy light a button that feels worth pushing.

I did this on beta, Feels even worse

Did you use conduits with holy?

People complaining about Holy now… just wait… first Tier of Shadowlands is even worse, the current meta is constant Holy Light spam with a Holy Shock and Bestow Faith added in, it’s because of the Resplendent Light Conduit that makes Holy Light a splash heal.

The Infusion of Light nerf is horrible, slow Holy Lights are horrible, now slow Holy Light spam is going to be our BIS meta gameplay. Elune save us.


To me this is the dumbest change to the spec, meant to balance a very specific playstyle and touch nothing else, that could be addressed in other ways that would not be overburdensome to the entire spec.

There is no healing spec that has a such a high cost attached to its primary damage ability. I think Blizzard simply did not put the time into thinking cohesively about how to build Holy Paladins for SL, but they did not want to get rid of Glimmer of Light either, so we are dealing with the consequences of them patching our spec, when an expansion should be a comprehensive treatment.

It just feels sloppy and I will not budge on the cost of CS. It should not be significant in cost compared to a healing spell. It makes no sense.

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What I’d like to see for Holy Pally:

  1. Make Judgement return mana on use (kinda like Power Word: Solace)
  2. Make casts of Holy Light/Flash of Light with an Infusion proc grant Holy Power

This creates a resource loop between our attacking abilities and also benefits ranged/melee healing options for Pally. Actually, it kind of encourages more of a hybrid approach and really utilizing your toolkit.

The only other change I’d consider is maybe changing Light of Dawn from a “spender” to a Holy Power builder on a cooldown. Either generating 1 Holy Power, or maybe it generates a # of Holy Power based on number of allies healed.

blizz should do something more like this