How to fix class colors (in chat) in 1.14.4

Since the script doesn’t work and there’s no interface option, here’s how to fix class colors in 1.14.4:

Go to:

C:\Program Files\World of Warcraft\_classic_era_\WTF\Account\[ACCOUNT NAME]\[SERVER NAME]\[CHARACTER NAME]\chat-cache.txt

…and change all the N’s to Y’s


The script doesn’t work anymore?
Do any scripts work anymore, like max camera distance and screen glow effects?

Probably. Its seems like they updated the chat options to be more like wotlk but didnt add a way to change the settings in the interface.

which colors are you trying to fix? The raid colors are showing correct on classes for me

Class colors in chat.

try this scripts
/script for _, v in ipairs({ “SAY”, “EMOTE”, “YELL”, “WHISPER”, “PARTY”, “PARTY_LEADER”, “RAID”, “RAID_LEADER”, “RAID_WARNING”, “INSTANCE_CHAT”, “INSTANCE_CHAT_LEADER”, “GUILD”, “OFFICER” }) do SetChatColorNameByClass(v, true) end
/script for i = 1, 20 do SetChatColorNameByClass(“CHANNEL” … i, true) end

Thank you so much - worked perfectly.

This didn’t work. Totally broke my chat, and everything is black