How to enable combat text dmg/heals in portrait unit frames?

How to enable combat text dmg/heals in portrait unit frames like on Classic?

Hello, I am looking to enable the incoming/outcoming damage/heals that displays in wow default unit frames. To be clear, not the floating damage text, specifically the ones that appear overtop of your portrait.

Currently on Dragonflight v., only incoming heals on self display on portrait, but thats it.

However, besides incoming healing, Im not seeing: incoming damage, and no outgoing damage on enemy target nor outgoing healing on friendly players/targets.

I’ve heard this can be done with the advanced interface options addon, in the CVar section, but can not for the life of me find the specific line to do it.

If it is possible someway to make this work with a simple macro then that be would awesome too if possible.

I’m able to get this to work with zperl addon but I would like an alternative so I can use the wow default UI.

Thank you.