How To Do A Trace Route In 2024? I Have High Latency In The Last Few Months

I’m at at complete loss. Been playing WoW for 20 years, with little to no issues ever. In the last few months, for whatever reason, I am experiencing sudden latency spikes from 70ms to 520ms. Usually 70ms to 130ms. My average for the past several years depending on the server, is 70ms for west coast server, and 30ms for east coast. It doesn’t matter if it’s WiFi or wired. No addons, fresh install of the game, etc, etc. Quickly rebooting the game always helps for a bit. I tried Nord VPN, it made 0 difference. NO other game gives me issues. Destiny, Call of Duty, Guild Wars 2, Final Fantasy Online, etc.

How do you do a traceroute for WoW Classic or WoW in general? All the old guides turn up 404 page not found. Even the links from Blizz themselves. Once I get the info for traceroute, is it safe to paste the info here? Or will it show my ip address? Thanks.

PS: I was contacted by a GM who says this could be a glitch that’s been ongoing for a while. He also said “As a GM I’m afraid to say that we do not have access to the code of the game or to do some changes about this, we don’t have the right tools, the ball is in our developer’s field now.” I never got a reply on how to do a traceroute though, as I’m trying to narrow down the origin of the cause.

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The support pages were removed, IP addresses to game servers are not longer public domain. You could likely look up online how to run netstat to see where you are connecting to, and again how to find a program like winmtr to run those traces. You would then be able to contact your ISP to see if they can contact any backbone providers for problem hops.

There is also this link for general knowledge:

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