How can i disable the green arrow from the new zone, its annoying and polutes the screen
I would like to know that too lol.
Feels like it might be bugged cause I would think it should only appear when your in the car.
It’s because of your “job” tasks for the cartels. The green arrow tells you where to go and I think was enabled automatically when you started doing a certain quest.
It’s a buff of some kind you can click off, at least it was for me.
The buff is called On the Job.
Get in your car and press 5 or whatever button you have set for the Jobs.
Thank you lol,i been wandering how to get rid of that.its freaking annoying
Btw, you can get a Radio thing from the brute that does the modifications for the car, if you wanna get or cancel a job while not using the car.
you turn off new orders. buttn next to exit-vehicle.
The quest “License Not Required” is the first time we see that *&#$ green arrow. It won’t go away until near the end of the quest. Until you do that, you can’t toggle the 5 button; it’s greyed out. I know this is a bit vague but I don’t want to be a spoiler.
Thank you so much!