How to disable NPC pop up chat windows

Every single time i walk into a WQ area, i get the chat bubble for the npc. Not only is it immersion breaking. but its very, VERY annoying.

I looked all over settings trying to find a disable button. Is there a way to disable them?

Or is there a mod to do that for me? I hate having to left click to cancel it every single time. especially in an area that has more then 1 quest in 1 spot.

I also hate the group finder pop up every time you enter the zone.

While I don’t believe you can disable those in game, there is a mod on Twitch called No Talking Heads that claims it auto dismisses those popups. I cannot confirm though, since I don’t personally use it.


I personally use HideTalkingHead (spelled just like that, no spaces). It doesn’t take any configuration, and it just prevents the NPC dialogue window from popping up.


notalkinghead works awesome