Alliance has an extra defensive dispeller in paladins and in an emergency paladins can bubble out of rocket CC. Horde only have priests and it can be very difficult to deal with when they get rocket helmets.
I know there is some proactive measures you can take like that restorative potion that removes debuffs every 5 seconds or skull of impending doom. Is there any other tricks to dealing with this if you are a Horde priest without another priest around to dispel it? I play a priest and it feels terrible getting stuck in this CC. I feel like I lose games just getting hit by this.
Ya tell the shamans on ur team to EMCL the rocket helm guy
I don’t think dispel magic or resto pot would even work for this because it’s either a disorient or a stun, not magic. I can’t be sure though because I’m pretty much never hit by engineering items. You worry about something that happens maybe 1 time out of 100 matches.
Pop a LIP mid charge like a Chad.
Build your own helm and when you see someone with it use it on him to assert dominance.
It is a magic debuff. I dispel it all the time on allies. In competetive games rocket helmets are used a lot. Especially in organized wargames. I’m not sure if it counts as a spell type or can be reflected. I’m not even sure LIP would do anything to stop it.
Best example is enemy team in WSG uses free action potion (to bypass slows like traps) and rocket boots to get to your roof and then uses rocket helm on your FC and/or healers.
Does this actually count as a stun? Will free action potion make you immune? If you can living action potion to break out of it that would be amazing, because rocket helm CCs do win games.
Goblin Rocket Helm (and Horde’s Horned Viking Helm) are sap/incapacitate and not stuns.
Well damn. It is a magic debuff though so should restorative potion at least do something? Removes 1 magic, curse, poison or disease every 5 seconds for 30 seconds. Granted I think restorative potion can be dispelled and a good opponent will soon learn if you are popping this preemptively.
It seems there really isn’t any standard way out of this except ally magic dispel, divine shield, and iceblock. Was hoping for a reactive answer.
Ehh… they’re using a 20 minute cooldown to do it. Whenever I get helmed in BG’s I think “he used his helm now, he won’t have it later”. You can also get helm obv.
As far as the “tricks” go, I think a preemptive resto pot/ skull are the only good ones. I think you could batch the damage from a demonic rune to break the CC, but that’s pretty tough to pull off.
If it makes you feel any better, ally only has 1 class that can dispell faps and lips.
Yes that should work, but I believe it’s unaffected by invulnerability and on saps stuff like FAP/LIP/LAP shouldn’t work.
Restoration potion or anything that forces you to take damage are really the only ways unless you’re a class with something like Berserker Rage that warriors have.
If it gets them a WSG flag return they won’t care. 20 minutes isn’t that long, can probably do use it 2 or 3 times in a close game.
real chads wear rocket helm with show helm off
Yeah, if they use their item correctly and the outcome favors them they’ll be content. Like I said, Ally only has 1 class that can dispel faps and lips, which gone undispelled can easily result in a flag return/cap as well.
edit: the demonic / dark rune trick should work as well but I really can’t think of anything else besides that and skull/resto pot
The horde is 90% warriors so they should just beserker rage.
I dont know if you can ground it though.
Have your warlock devour magic it.
Preemptive skull of impending doom/Resto pot/dark rune.
Watch your team die.
LIPs will stop a sap/gouge because they’re physical attacks.
You can LIP a helm if you’re fast enough. It will immune you to the stun.
Look up CPT PvP 3 on YouTube if you’d like.
Screw it, had to come back an edit the title, link. It’s somewhere in there, or in one of his PvP videos - been a while since I’ve watched them…or just go pop a LIP and have a friend helm you.
For further context, the stun from the Rocket Helm is called Reckless Charge and is considered a Physical school spell. It’s definitely a spaghetti code item in Classic in terms of how you can deal with it.
Spell ID 22641 on Wowhead.
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Oh, good tip. Forget about that a lot.
Power word death as you get CCed by rocket helm.
.you are now out of the CC.
Your welcome.