How to deal with double caster in 3s?

You’re just playing a bad comp I’m sorry. Ww and ret get bullied by casters hard you have zero gap closers. Just swap and keep hitting closest, hope you win on pressure.

yah thats why we’re gonna play ww arcane

That is not accurate



you said you were going arcane


I was, then we tried frost and I one shot several people with ray and it was hilarious.

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It was very satisfying watching Freddy rp as aeghisqtxo and delete people who thought they had a chance

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Now nelf, new look with new title.


Could’ve been a worgen

Step 1: Download the advanced interface options add on.

Step 2: Open up options. Find CVar Browser

Step 3: Type “showenemy”. You will see a list of 5 items.

Step 4: Change the values to the far right from top to bottom to: 1-0-0-1-1.

You’re welcome!

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They shall be named “clutter cleave” from now on.

I used to do this, but raszageth sparks are considered minions and so I don’t get their nameplate if I do this

not letting connection and mesmerize with qt booty

play a different game at this point, they aren’t fixing 3s