How to deal w Rogues as Resto Druid

Started playing resto druid a few days ago and quite enjoy the learning curve, however I feel absolutely helpless vs rogues, mainly in solo shuffle.

Sin rogues seem to just open on me with everything and spam garrote. Ive tried going into bear form popping wall on myself and enrage regen but they kill me through it, and im also not healing teammates. Ive tried baiting the rogue out and using tranq, but they just wait until after, or burst on my teammate and tranq isnt enough to heal it.

It feels like if they pop everything on me I cant move or heal, I just flop. I tried asking teammates for help but it didnt really do much. What am I missing ?

I don’t have any tips sorry but I feel like assa has always just melted rdruids (especially in 2’s for some reason). Hopefully someone can actually help lol. GL


Ok well thx for your input, I can take some solace in that.

It was very tilting

Could use typhoon then vortex then cyclone.

for health you could use rejuv then the regen for bear and kun around.

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You need your teammates to peel for you and to reduce uptime from them as much as possible. Bash, clones, roots, etc… DPS should be doing goes on rogue in basically every stun DR as they’ll melt.

Assa is a really strong counter to rdruids.

If you play with a shaman, they can play poison cleanisng totem and drop it on kingsbane goes to stop a large majority of the one shot.


Running the heart of the wild pvp talent for two frenzied regens?

Adaptive swarm buffs frenzied regen.

If he kidneys you outside of bear with no hots you better have trinket.

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You still lose though because you need it for blind.

just don’t get stunned in caster form.

Why would he need to trinket a 5 second blind that doesn’t line up with trinket cd?


So he doesn’t get sapped

how is he going to get sapped when he has trees healing the whole team the whole game. also out of combat takes 8 seconds not 5

It’s extremely difficult to survive rogue burst if they catch you without hots and no defensives. I’d recommend saving your bark skin for your self during the swap with cds, keeping hots on then shifting into bear, position best you can, save your stun for dire situations, instant roots are really good. Lot of factors go into it. Hopefully your teammates punish trinket. I’ve sometimes just been unable to control my druid with the spam cheapshots and insane burst rogues provide.

Its a teammate thing generally, but IMO the best you can do for yourself is smart trinket use, and making sure your mobility is used in a way that you’re one ahead of his. You want a vortex on step for example, but the timing isnt easy from what i understand. If you and the rogue are out of LoS from the healer a root is as good as a stun.

Dispel wound poison if you break los and dont need a dispel in the near future.

Like, theres things druids do that can extend their life but at the end of the day you need peels. Submit mass ticketd begging for faerie fires return as a 2 minute anti stealth debuff. Lol. Or beg for roots to be longer duration.

One thing id wager is more sustainable is trinketing a stun these days. Blind is short enough that imo its ok not to hold trinket for especially as a class with as much HoT/Trent throughput as druid.

I dont play DF so if everything i said is just completely backwards go ahead and ignore.

As the end of the day if its assassination kiting them shoukd be possible but maybe you’ll die first withiut peels. Games cracked.

Also prune poison knife. Insanely underratedly op.

Yeah you’re right. No Druid ever gets sapped any more. You should never trinket blind. Only ever trinket cc that aligns perfectly with your trinket cd and it’s impossible for a rogue to score a kill in blinds duration.

Did they change the combat timer? It was 5.5s/6s forever.

ive always found assa rogues to be really good at killing healers.

They’re killing everything atm. I’ve had my entire team all die at once to rotting.

ooo u got me there. all i know is i haven’t been sapped like that in like 2 years. i’m also a shaman so me trying to drink is always iffy lol

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Yeah i havent played DF on my rogue reallly so i cant comment on combat / sap interactions but as recently as SL you could sap out of anything pretty much, as long as it approached 5-6 seconds on duration.

Probably doesnt matter anymore with the duration nerfs just gouge i guess.

The main thing as people have noted is the increased number of things that keep people in combat regardless of them doing things.

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yep just so many random effects in the game now