How to craft 619

I’m an engineer with an enchanted runed harbinger crest and it says I can craft 606-619 quality.

I’m using all best reagents and highest concentration but the highest I can get to is 615.

What do I need to get it to 616? Do I need some tools and if so, what exact tools do I need?

Tools, and you need to have specialised into making that item / item slot in the profession tree. I don’t believe the rng stats on the tools matters, just the fixed one / rarity.

Getting to 619 just requires your craft has 5 stars. Using all 3 star reagents helps, but you’ll still need a lot of specialization skill points (many of the epic gear has specific bubbles for that gear that can grant, in total, 100+ skill points. There are also finishing reagents that add up to 40 skill. Finally, you may be stuck at 4* crafts, so you can use concentration to increase that to 5*.

Craft the rare tools for Engineer, which will give you +40 skills.
Full specialization for the item you’re crafting.

If you’re gnome, you have +5 engineering skill from racial.

The Engineer who made my Gun gave me a 619 Gun. Yup, there is something wrong with your setup.

I only made a 5-star 606 trinket but thats fine as I lack the Runed Crests. I would upgrade it further to 619 in the future depending on what gear upgrades I would get on other slots.

The quality is determined by the skill. Materials factor in, as does your profession level, bonuses on tools for Khaz Algar professions, knowledge point investments, and the finishing reagent consumables. You can also spend concentration to raise your craft it to the skill level of the next rank.

What is the name of the tools that would give +40 skill. Also, what is the name of finishing reagents to give the highest skill?

If you go to the crafting orders NPC, click profession equipment, then engineering, and filter to rare quality and this expansion only. It will show you the best 3 available tools, one for each of the three equipment slots.

For the finishing reagents, the best one is the soulbound +40 stamp you get from patron orders. You can view them by clicking the finishing reagent category, one is for the crafted stuff, the other is the +skill options

Charged Scrapmaster’s Gauntlets +11 Skill, crafted by Leatherworking
Aqirite Brainwave Projector +11 Skill, crafted by Engineering
Aqirite Fueled Samophlange +18 Skill, crafted by Engineering

There are also finishing reagents like Stack of Pentagold Reviews that give a flat skill bonus to a single craft if you need a little help pushing it past a threshold. There are +5, +10, +20, and +40 versions that are given from Patron Orders, though the +40 version is Soulbound, the others can be bought on the AH.

So helpful. Thank you all. I bought the Unraveled Instructions off the AH, giving me +20 skill and that did it. I can now craft 619. So cool. You guys are awesome. Especially, Kiyoko and Greenguy.


This guide from Icy-veins gives you more insights on the stats and the gear you need!

Sadly, Wowhead guide is behind on this!


I’ve come to expect that from Wowhead. They care more about being first than about being accurate with most of their ‘guides’.

Is your skill bar maxed at 100 plus the best bonuses from Artisan tools (blue not green) and is your skill tree maxed for the particular item you’re trying to make at 619?

Just having the best reagents isn’t going to guarantee a 5-star item, you probably going to need max skill (boosted by the best Artisan tools) and spec-tree points in the item you’re making.

Not sure about engineering specifically but my alts that can hit rank 5 gear usually just need the basic knowledge you can get from leveling to 50ish skill + treasures + rep book + kej book + maybe one artisan book. Speced fully into the item + rank 3 mats + concentration is then usually enough.

There are also finishing reagents you can use to add skill. I use those on a tailor to make a friend item slots at 5 that I haven’t fully speced into but just unlocked.

I also do that with cheap green tools, no blue tools.

The addon craftsim is also useful for seeing if you can hit max rank and also will give you a summary of that specific craft and what you’re missing in terms of +skill and other stats from different knowledge nodes.