How to counter DH as an arms warrior? :(

If he’s burning try to be as disruptive as possible

Match every fel erupt burn with a storm bolt. If he trinkets lay a nice fear on his meta

If you want to get fancy try to banner his imprison burns

Or just do healer swaps if you have big dmg trinkets

Dozer you are legitimately never going to improve if you don’t fix your attitude


Sadly bro this is really the only option you have. MWer / DH is a brain dead playstyle with a brain dead counter. They are a dampening comp…DH win condition is mana with mana rift and MWer is really good at staying alive without needing peels from their partner and are crazy mana efficient so when paired together they are usually a good team.

You win the same way you win against really any team though; split pressure. Arms warriors are most effective when they are bleeding both targets and hitting whoever is closest to them. With the bleeds and sharpen in an already damp 2’s good Arms warriors put out unhealable damage pretty quickly in 2s.

As a melee other than WW you beat a MWer by punishing them for pushing in and switching when they run away. They’ll have to come back in / use mobility to get back to their partner and thats when you switch back to them. When they run, you just go back to their partner. Too many people spend way too much time chasing MWers when the best way to get back to them is to press their DPS.

You have a lot of counters to MWer CC as well, you can bladestorm ring, Zerker rage encap, and leap up Z axises when they try to break it with port. So you can get some decent pressure on MWer from time to time (as compared to most melee)… but you just win splitting pressure. DH’s die super easy especially outside of meta and when dampening starts to ramp.

Most Demon hunters are full retard and will trinket the first CC you hit them with…get their trinket and bait them behind a pillar and stun go them and fear healer when he pushes in. If you get good pressure but don’t land a kill just switch to healer and hound him while he tries to top his DPS and get away from you. You’ll have so much pressure here that they’ll be on the back foot from the get go and you just keep the pressure on from there.

Truer words have never been written. Thank you.

Yes indeed big doze. This thread is a feelsweirdman

DH’s are easy to kill

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Dampening may be your friend as DH does not have MS.
That said they generally have better ST damage and great self heals.
To get ahead you will need to land bleeds on both target swapping as much as possible.
Try lining up your CDs offensive / defensive with your healer so he can get opportunities to drink while you play more defensive.
Granted MW and DH can both kite you pretty easy.
Also make sure you hold your disarm till after blade dance so you dont get dodged.
As with many 2’s matches you will be at disadvantage but with smart plays you can still win.
Not sure how it will play out but i think with all the vers stacking things may play to our favor with more games going into dampening where MS/Sharpen can shine.
Well see.

Run with a Rdruid who can spam root DH, rake stun, damage MW when they’re separated?

MW should always be a long ways from DH due to solitude buff I think, I’ve made a MW cocoon himself…