How to counter a ret in PVP now?

I personally never used that tactic mainly because of the fact that I view bubble for me as the last tool I use as a defensive and the room for error using this particular tactic is far too high for my comfort, in that original thread though there seems to be aplenty answers to that particular question.

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327 win streak says you might be doing it wrong then.

How about judgement auto dispelling everything, that seem balanced to you?

Why nitpick on certain mechanics that are in game and shared across dozens of classes and specs instead of asking asinine questions that you have gotten answers too. I can sit here and complain all day about getting cc trained till I’m useless but I do not I strive to improve and look for other solution that are present in game, you have 2 other teammates in 3s feel teamwork makes the dream work


Name one other class spec that has wings + bubble mechanic

That’s a pally specific talent and choice that unfortunately the devs have tried and failed to balance around but the key word is they are trying do they get it perfect ofc not but it’s what these forums are for and for someone crying about it so much you should take the time to think of a proper way to replace or outright change the ability and present what you come up with but to sit there and cry over spilled milk makes no sense to me for example if they wanted to reintroduce a dmg reduction again for when bubble is active perfectly within reason and up for discussion

The counter is checking his armory and finding out that he’s only played 25 total 3s, and is lying and you’re buying it.


Wait, logic has no place here. If it confirms her bias, it MUST be true. Nevermind that none of the best ret players have done these things on their streams. Nevermind that Blizzard doesn’t balance around 1500 MMR players failing to counter.


Also Ret is behind Arms warrior in 3s, but no one is complaining about Arms…

If you go to arena forum they always tell you that the game is and should be balanced around 3s, but they want Ret nerfed based on solo shuffle, because it is the top spec flollowed by Arms and Disc.


As a holy paladin I counter ret paladins by saving my trinket when they hoj me, I know they get extra damage when they wack a target affected by their hoj.

Also I save my stun and blind for that ret paly, then a bop for my self.

When all that is exhausted I freedom and horse away from the ret paly and run around in a wide circle around my team mates so I can stay close to them to heal them.

If all that dont work, well then I die and Q for the next solo shuffle. Most of the time it does work.


you stop queueing until they balance this mess

How do I tell when that is going to happen?
A big ball of light is al lI see comin at me LoL.

Seriously is it maybe my graphics or display settings, am I missing something?
I don’t want any class nerfed to the ground and if we aren’t careful that is what happens.
wanting to learn how to at least have half a chance for now.

I ran my mouth a bit wondering how any of it was such a problem to everyone and then I noticed I had only been playing crappy players mostly or getting lucky and getting on good teams that would play with me and notice what I was going to do(hard to do cc when everyone won’t go along with it sometimes for me at least).

I don’t do ranked stuff though, is there still some sort of matchamking going on even in random bgs?

Bored of the pve thing after 17 years and trying to make pvp fun now.
If i say stupid things it is usually because I was misinformed or missed something haha.

Because counters to it exist. Just not for everyone. Its also RNG in what it removes. Could get SWP, could get Vamp Touch and get feared to Narnia.

Could get Corruption, could get UA and get Thanos Snapped.

Also, Cleanse the Weak for Holy is the exact same talent tied to Cleanse instead of Judgement and CtW is more consistent. Whatever you remove, you remove from EVERYONE within your auras.

Nobody cried about JotP AT ALL during DF until crying got ret nerfed the first time. This is just crying for more nerfs for the sake of more nerfs because people want Ret to be terrible forever.


Sure they are!

Ret/Arms Ret/BM seem to me to be the most complained about comps.

Notice the commonality between those two?

Or arms/dps/heals


Ret/demo is another one (again, notice the commonality?)

I haven’t seen anyone complaining about arms lately, except when paired with ret.

Once ret gets put on a level playing field, people might shift to arms as the next spec that needs to be brought in line.

What does Blizzard say about it?

No please, I had plans to play one again someday.

I for one just want to learn to at least make it fun or interesting before I die, then maybe I can learn how win haha.

So you are saying that Ret is basically on every comp, but there are still more Arms warrior than Rets over 2400 in 3s, the so called standard for pvp balance.

Doesn’t that mean that Arms is overperforming compared to Ret in 3s at least?


Play monk…LMAO.

Yeah, but 90% of our abilities have 20 yards range now. Kitting is isn’t much of an option no more.

I think Venruki plays a lot of arena at high rating, see what he has to say about ret right now: