How to change font size above character/npc


I need to change the size of the font above my character/NPCs on retail. The purple font that is green when PVP. I have tried to uninstall, do addons and no addons, delete font folder, nothing helps. It happened after Plunder storm settings. It’s only in retail, not classic. How can I show a pic of what’s going on? It’s not a nameplate thing either its the default font its just huge. Any help would be appreciated! Thank you so much! Also, I made a ticket and they directed me here to ask the forums. So it’s been a bit since I have been able to play… :frowning:

Minimum Character Name Size

I love you. Why did a blizz rep in tech support not know this hahaha thanks so much.

The knowledge level of Blizzard support is uneven, partly because they support Blizzard’s entire portfolio. Maybe you ran into one who knows Overwatch better than WoW.

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