Maybe it’s unfortunate to replace Smourne at 83, but old gear really shouldn’t be viable by 85.
Would it really make a difference if SM was replaced at 84 instead of 83?
Maybe it’s unfortunate to replace Smourne at 83, but old gear really shouldn’t be viable by 85.
Would it really make a difference if SM was replaced at 84 instead of 83?
Final tier legendary being replaced by an item 2 levels below WoTLK level cap is not even remotely the same.
fastest is abusing a hyperspawn. but it’s bannable.
Replaced is replaced. New expansions invalidate previous content. That was true as of TBC.
Thori’dal was replaced at level 80.
Shadowmourne is replaced at level 78.
Better flex while you still can then!
Flex what? It’s one of the most common weapons now. I’m just saying the power creep was not the same as previous expansions even when taking into consideration the halved increase to level cap.
It’s old content anyway. So who cares.
It’s like me complaining that my Valanyr has less spellpower than 264 weapon. Let alone 277 and 284.
The first dungeon is blackrock which is long and tedious i would say dungeons are the best way to go.
I remember in original cata quest grinding and i didnt hit 85 until uldum and i had taken time off work and did a 72 hour blitz.
Uhh, no. It’s not even close to being the same thing.
This is how I do it as well. I can’t stand running the same dungeon over and over and over to then hit max level to do what? run the same dungeon over and over - so I 1/2 and 1/2…start to level, get rep, coins, gear and then do a dungeon or two and keep going. It breaks it up nicely.
ilvl 280+ drops as soon as you enter cata zones. most of your gear will be replaced by 82ish unless you have like full heroic icc gear with sockets
I’ve tried to research Cataclysm in the archives but wasn’t able to locate any details. Went to wikipedia instead. Check to see if there is anything listed on this link that can offer you some insight.
May have found something for you, I actually have this manual but located a reprint in PDF forum:
lmao. Convenient I must say.
Both are flagged as Legendaries. Both require months-long commitment and a full raid/guild to get it. Both provide a bit of extra power. Not much, but definitely adds up long term.
Valanyr has less spellpower than 264/277/284, and yet it’s more powerful due to the proc.
Shadowmourne is still going to be more powerful than 78-82 Cataclysm weapon due to bonus gems and the proc.
But you ignore that fact. Because it’s convenient to you.
There is absolutely nothing wrong with replacing Shadowmourne at 80. Or 81. Or 83. Shadowmourne is Wrath item. Not Cataclysm.
This is so cool. They don’t do that stuff any more.
Sounds like a great idea to release a new expansion, selling boosts and telling everyone to start new with your friends when suddenly you realize that the previous expansions legendary is too strong and you may have to farm it, right?
There are obvious reasons why legendaries (or any item) have no more value in the following expansion. Only exception was Vanilla but Vanilla was their playground. They had no idea what direction the game was going towards.
A level 78 xp locked character can quite literally outgear your fully BiS geared character by simply running dungeons
It really isn’t.
Yea nah I go with Jeynar here. Cata outscales pretty drastically. You start your Cata journey with like 25k at full bis level 80 and up with like 100k at level 85 with greens.
Not even the proc is good enough
I see vanilla is a pure trial and error.
Itemization speaks for itself. Devs simply didn’t know what was good and what was bad. And with every expansion they’ve improved. Skills. Balancing. Itemization. Story telling & character progression.
Like, why did druids have physical attack talent as one of the bottom tiers?
Or why did Rogues have thrown weapon talents?
How come there are level 40 items that are BIS throughout the entire xpac?
How come some DPS specs did less damage than healers?
and the list really goes on and on.
Some people like the broken version of the game…sorta…they did start asking for changes once Classic launched. And no one stayed behind for Classic Era upon TBC release. To each their own. SoD today plays more like Wrath than Vanilla.
It does. Just like you said, it’s only 5 levels not 10. So it’s definitely fast spike.
But would it really make a difference if Smourne is replaced at 83-84 instead of launch? Would it really make a difference to have smourne for 2 days longer? Realistically.
No. It wouldn’t make a difference one bit. It gets replaced either way. It’s old content.
And this time around, we know it’s going to happen. So I really don’t see any point in crying about it. What do yall want devs to do? Change itemization? They won’t. Never.