How to build Jedi/Sith? Need help

I’m trying to build a Jedi/sith character and I want to use “the very light sabre” 2h sword transmog. My issue is that no cloth users can wield or mog 2h swords.

If I use a Paladin or dracthyr and dress them all in cloth via crafted armor etc from tailoring , can those pieces be transmogged into other cloth pieces I’ve unlocked? Or are you trapped to only ever be able to use plate/mail options and unable to ever mog cloth. I know they “can” wear it , but can you transmog it too?

Edit:- I should add I want to do enchanting and tailoring professions so being able to wear my own crafts is important to me

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Nope, you can only mog plate as a pally, even if you have cloth equipped. Maybe one day they’ll change it, but right now, your best bet is to look for pieces of gear that don’t look like plate and look more cloth-like, or just walk around in cloth on a pally.


That sucks, thank you for the info. I’ll have to figure something else out then

Some of the cosmetic sets (eg. Covenant sets for Korthia) might work; many of them are armor-agnostic so anyone can 'mog them.

Spellfire Longsword from Slave Pens is a one-handed sword that resembles a blue lightsaber.

Teebu’s Blazing Longsword is a world drop that resembles a red lightsaber.

Unfortunately, there are no green or purple lightsaber models.

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A lot of plate and mail can look non bulky and “lightly armoured adventurer” ish

Combine with the trading post cloaks/hoods and the store/trading post cosmetic armours that can be used on all armour types like pirate/corsair etc. Dragonflight introduced a lot of casual/clothish cosmetics from rep as well

Download the addon “mogit” and explore your options

WW monk
Take Serenity and go down both sides skipping Xuen
Use the Jade Lightning talent if you want to be Sith

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As long as you’re not roleplaying as one, please and thank you.

And yes, I HAVE ran into one during RP…a small guild of them existed in Earthen Ring for a short time.

They aren’t exactly the same as things like Teebus but there are several color variations of a 1H sword from Tazavesh.

It’s a bit more bladed than what you would think of a lightsaber but it does give off a similar feel IMO.


Again, there are several colors you can get from Zerith Mortis content.

There’s a small handful of Plate mogs that look like Cloth as well as some cosmetic sets that go on any class. You can also hide all slots but leggings and go with shirts, which have the same “cloth” effect.

It’s actually possible to have a Jedi style character - Arms Warriors I find have the most “Jedi-Like” abilities, being able to go super fast and leap all over the place.

If you’re dead set on a cloth caster, you can also go Mage or Warlock, as they can use 1 handed swords. There’s a couple of good weapons that mog like that. I know there’s a Caverns of Time BC 1-handed sword that’s like translucent with a purple glow that looks very “Mace Windu”

Thank you, I actually just acquired it before checking back on this thread haha

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There are plate and mail skirts. But to answer the question, no. It has to be the same armor type.