Hello friends, so i had some issue of my weakauras being deleted while my game crashed. Does anyone know a proper way of backing up ur weakauras?
Backup all the WeakAuras2.lua files in your WTF folders.
Better off just backing up the whole thing imo.
For my WeakAuras, I just right-click the group and select “Export to String” and copy/paste the string into a Text File, naming the File for which WeakAura it represents.
Bottom of the page there is section about a companion app for Weakaura that helps
Great option to catch everything.
This is what I do for specific auras if I want them backed up separately from the rest of my UI.
I post them to wago site. That way easy for me to move from one computer to another if I need to.
This is a great idea. It also adds to what’s available for everyone else.
Please don’t post “me too” or “thank you” posts for many-months-old threads. Read the forum guidelines if you would. It comes under the definition of “spam” - and no, this is not a valid reason to necro a post. If it were, there’d be no point to the rule.
Okay will do.
Thank you.
Thanks for the thread, still helping out years later.
The app Gamesave Manager can back up the entire WoW folder and I strongly recommend it. Also it’s free.