Once again I am frustrated by the lack of user-friendly/intuitive design and/or instruction in this game. Heck, the Blizzard site even fails to supply step-by-step instructions.
So here is the situation:
I have the first four artifact appearances unlocked, I am at the forge, I have clicked on the appearance tab, I have the appearance window open, I click on the appearance square to see the look as it floats over the forge and…
That is all I can do. I can look but I cannot apply.
A poster on a youtube video said he needed to untransmog first and didn’t understand that was what a certain button was for.
I have no other buttons available except the four appearances.
As Tymberlea mentioned, the class order hall forge is for the artifact. You can only go INTO the forge while having your spec specific artifact equipped.
If you know you’ve already unlocked some appearances, just transmog the weapon like normal, tab through until you land on Legion appearances.
If you go to the Transmog NPC, and select your weapon, you will be able to see the selections for your artifact weapon appearance. Here is one of my mages’ page selections showing some of the artifact skins on the bottom row:
You then just pick which appearance you want to use.
I have the Legion artifact weapon equipped (Windrunner one).
Just hearthed to the transmog NPC in Stormwind and the artifact appearances did not show up for my artifact weapon.
However, I switched to a non-artifact bow (keep a spare in bag ever since an unfortunate incident in a raid) and the appearances became available in the little drop down menu in the top right corner of the transmog window.
So thank you very much. At least now I know I can and how to apply them to non-artifact weapons.
It also has its own tag in the transmog menu’s dropdown, where you can see “Staves” in that screenshot, at which point I believe it tells you those appearances can only be applied in your order hall if you’re trying to mog the actual artifact – rather than apply the appearance to a non-artifact weapon, which you’ve already figured out.
If you look at my character’s profile, you can see I recently went on that same journey myself lol. It feels so arbitrary to have to jump through all these hoops, especially this far away from Legion.
To answer your original question, there is no apply button when changing the artifacts appearance at your class hall forge. You just click the appearance you want and close the window and it will be applied.
You can also mog any weapons to your spec specific artifact weapons. For example you are using a staff as a shadow priest you go to your artifact and suddenly you are using a dagger and offhand.
They also made them class specific now instead of spec specific for normal use. For example my discipline priest is using the shadow dagger and offhand, since she has those weapons.
You can’t transmog artifacts to another appearance of that same artifact, possibly to the appearance of other artifacts either. You have to use the class hall forge to apply artifact appearances to the actual artifact itself, and it has to be an appearance you’ve unlocked already.
I just tested this on my rogue using his assassination artifact. Selected the square with the appearance I wanted and exiting the window applies the appearance. If it isn’t working for you then you are either selecting an appearance you don’t have, or something is wrong with your UI.
e: Here is what I mean:
This screenshot is with the MT appearance currently being used:
This one shows the forge with the current appearance:
This one shows me selecting the square for a different appearance:
And this one is immediately after exiting that window, you can see it is applied to my weapons on my back:
And obviously make sure your artifact isn’t already transmogged to a non-artifact appearance. The forge only changes the base appearance of the weapon itself, you can still transmog over that. Removing any transmog will show the weapon appearance selected at the forge.
I have Thas’dorah, Legacy of the Windrunners, equipped.
I am trying to change the original aqua-colored Thas’dorah, Legacy of the Windrunners, appearance to the purple Thas’dorah, Legacy of the Windrunners, appearance (which was unlocked by my recovering Light’s Heart and bringing it to the safety of my Class Hall)
So I am in my Class Hall using my Forge trying to apply a artifact appearance of the same artifact to that artifact.
And it does not work.
One poster on a youtube video said they needed to unmog the weapon BUT I cannot find the button they were referring to to try that.
And I cannot report it as a bug because I this is the first time I am trying it so I don’t know if I am doing something wrong.
On the up side, thanks to a very helpful poster above I am now at least able to transmog non-artifact weapons with the artifact appearances in the transmog shop.
Do you have the bow transmogged to something else already? If so, you need to revert to the default by using the transmog NPC and right clicking the weapon slot. The artifact appearances are the base appearance of the weapon, so transmogs override them and you won’t see them change from the forge if they are already transmogged to a non-artifact appearance.
This has been bugged since the start of Shadowlands. I may have posted in the bug reports forum one one of the threads complaining about pointless changes to transmog at that time. The artifact appearances that appear in your transmog tab also cannot be selected to be used on your artifact. This is not a mistake or misinterpretation by the OP. I figure it’s a reflection of the fact that little testing takes place.
The OP isn’t trying to use transmog, they are trying to use the forge in their class hall to swap artifact appearances on from the same artifact. Using the forge to change the actual base appearance of the artifact does indeed work, I posted screenshots above.