How to appeal?

Died in a cave when all the mobs spawned back at once. That’s uncontrollable. I payed 15 dollars. Glitchy game shouldn’t be my fault.


You can’t control the mobs but you can control where you stand.

Usually it’s best to stand outside the cave.

As to where you appeal, it’s the usual spot on Battlenet.

Won’t do you any good though.

You die, you die.


Too obvious.


Go ------> softcore. You don’t belong here in hardcore.


Appeals link


For you in future writings. Best of luck!

You can open a ticket about whatever you’d like but they almost certainly will not help you:

Troll bait.

Although Stitches getting DDoS’d and killing ~2000 characters to server instability IS bull, and should be rolled back. It would be easy for Blizzard to find every death in those 2min and just revert them.

But regular old D/Cs are just a risk of playing. Hyperspawns, people dragging mobs on to you, dungeon groups making stupid decisions and killing you. Sure, all sort of outside of your personal control. But that’s the game. You signed up for it.

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Too bad they fired most of their CS team

No one likes a grammar Notsee.

It’s a little late now.

You die, you die.

(The fact Blizz didn’t roll the server back has me convinced they were serious about no appeals, no takesies backsies.)


You can also control not feeding the trolls :expressionless:

You can’t appeal.
You agreed to the rules in the character creation screen.

It’s sad and bad and I feel sorry for you, but try to read what you agree to.

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Don’t go into caves by yourself. Rookie mistake.

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What’d you do, lose your Hillbilly Handwriting Dictionary? :wink:

Oh, I thought this was how to look appealing to da ladies, my bad

That’s a lovely hat, Frau Lendoranah.
Enjoy Brewfest.

You must be a fish.

Hook. Line. Sinker.

you have to write an actual letter and mail it to the HQ along with notarized screenshots of the death and death logs.

I’m too tired to hurt your feelings right now.