How To Allow Hero Classes To All Races

Blizz is currently in the process of adding all base Classes to all Races, and while that will take a while, it’s worth to take a look at the future and think of the next steps.

Unlike regular Classes, which are broad and commonly available, Hero Classes usually have some element of plot and setting that explains their existence.

Death Knights are easy mode. They were the first Class to be available to all Races, and between Bolvar, the Ebon Blade and the fact that we conquered the very source of DK power (the Jailer, the Maw and Domination Magic), expanding DKs to newer races would be trivial. You died, the Ebon Blade found you worthy. They brought you back as a DK. End of the story.

Evokers are far more complex, because they rely on the Dracthyr’s Dragon Powers and biology. That said, it’s not unimaginable to think that the Dragon Aspects could bless some mortals with their powers. Cataclysm had it’s fair share of people turning into dragon people, so why not us?

As for Demon Hunters, Nerf them :smiley:

I thought all races could be dk already tho?

Fortunately, we don’t have to worry about Earthen. :robot::+1:

My two bolts, the Dragonman experiments. :robot::test_tube:

void elf, nightborne, troll, human DH’s

Almost. Drakthyr can’t be.

But other than yeah, the rest can be, including the new allied race that’s not even out yet.


Forgot Dracthyr.

I think of them more like a class than a race, since they can only be Evoker lol

The easy way to this would be to just open up visages to races beyond Humans/Blood Elves.

So gameplay wise, you’re still a Drac’thyr, it’s just your visage is an Orc or Troll or whatever.

This and more classes is my biggest hope for Drakthyr.

The thing is if Drac Frost DK doesn’t play like a frost drake I don’t see the point

I don’t remember when but I did have a thought about a What if: concerning Evokers. Because I’m stupid like that. Always thinking about what ifs and what could be instead of shutting up and accepting what I’m given.

Anyway, instead of having Dracthyr. Evoker could have been a hero class where the Dragon Aspects elevated some of the mortal races. Empowering them with the strength of their flights to champion their cause. (Not sure how that’d work with Undead but seeing as people desperately want Undead Paladins and Druids I doubt anyone cares really)

This is a “in the future” thread, they’re not deleting a race because of whiners.

Like I said. It’s a what if scenario. Just unlock all race visages so people can have their Vulpera Dracthyr Evoker running around Stormwind or whatever.

God I switch off Dracthyr so fast. I kinda just want my draconic bloodline human sorcerer in here.

Including Hero Classes like Death Knight. Did you forget Shadowlands expanding Death Knights to all races at the time?

This is actually quite brilliant. The character could have run around as a typical human, orc, dwarf, goblin, ect but take a dracthyr form to fight in as an evoker.

It would have solved so many problems, been a lot cheaper to create and had a built-in epic backstory.

I wonder why Blizzard didn’t do that.

I care about stuff like that but, in this particular case, I think it could be handwaved with ‘dragon magic’.

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Probably the most you could do with evokers to make them ‘all races’ would be to allow them to use any race as their visage. Otherwise you’ve somehow got fire breathing gnomes attacking with claws and built in adv flight, which is probably a bridge too far. Seems like something that could be unlocked account wide after getting an evoker to level 70 or something and just have you go to the barber to change.

Because blizzard wanted a playable dragonkind race, not a transformation.

Yet, they created the visages.

Which make no sense on any level.

And I am going to stop here before I go into a long-winded unnecessary rant.

Glad you are enjoying the race and have a lovely day :dracthyr_heart:.

That or Tyr, since he’s back. The guy who created the Aspects themselves would be more than capable of empowering mortals to be Evokers.

I think the bigger problem would be more mechanical than story. How do you handle the dragon aspect of the class with mortal races? Things like some spells requiring flight. Do you give them a draconic form?

Like say their normal racial appearance acts like the visage form and they take on a more draconic, possibly customizable form in combat? sort of like the Dracthyr’s visage form but with wings. Or do you just say that the empowerment changes them permanently and they are their race with wings and added horn and scale customizations. Or do they just copout and have them look like their normal race and they just sprout magic blue arcane wings as a spell effect when using spells that require flight.

Either way there is going to be a lot of actual work that would need to be done to make every race able to be Evokers.

Personally, I think Evoker and Demon Hunter are going to be the exceptions and remain limited to a select number of races. While I think it would be hilarious to watch a Pandaren Demon Hunter or Gnome Evoker fly through the air, I just don’t see Blizzard putting in the effort for it.

They could maaaaybe expand DH to V.Elves and Nightborne since they’re just copy+paste of B.Elves and N.Elves anyway. Just need to tack on some demon horns and pluck out their eyes.

Evokers I think the best we can hope for is expanding the Drac’thyr Visage form to include more races beyond just male B.Elf and female Human.