How to Address Premades in Classic Battlegrounds

Except it is as it has a solo queue option.

The issue here is that by not socializing and putting effort into making friends to group up with, your group isn’t as strong as their group.

You relied on blizzard, they relied on themselves.

They deserve to have a leg up on you for your lazy play.

Yes and the system could easily account for it by simple matching premades vs premades and pugs vs pugs.

And yes I expect blizzard’s system to work properly.

But it really shouldn’t, because then it’s not inadvertently rewarding deeper social interaction and organization and instead rewards the lazy and the timid.

You don’t deserve to be on the same playing field as those who can organize and socialize.



Then why are you so terrified of being matched against other premades?

That’s what it comes down to, you don’t want to fight other premades because you don’t want to actually have an even match.


At the end of the day it’s people who hate playing the game but want the gear versus people who just genuinely enjoy PvP.

That’s basically the conversation we’re having at this point.

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It’s not an issue of being terrified of anyone. It just negates the advantage given through self organization and socilization.

By only pairing premades against premades you remove the advantage of HpH. And thus the incentive to group up, interact and socialize.

Remove that, and WoW classic becomes WoW retail…and well…we know how that goes, don’t we?


But you are terrified of fighting other premades.

That’s where your argument endsup isn’t it? Everyone only premades and you have to fight only other premades. So why not just put that rule into the matching criteria and let more people play?

Well you don’t want that, you don’t want to fight other premades, you rely on beating pugs.


Mmmm nope!

But the main call to wow battlegrounds is gear fella. And the players will always take the easiest road to get it.

Unless blizzard steps in and prevents them from doing so because it’s unhealthy for the game.

I just explained why it’s actually very healthy for the game.

Except yes, you are claiming everyone should premade, end result you only fight premades. But you don’t support simply separating the queues which would give you what you claim to want.

The only reason is because you are terrified of having to actually fight other premades.

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Not everyone will premade. There will always be the weaker class of shlubs who refuse to socialize and organize through laziness and antisocial behaviour.

That’s just the way of it.

So pve carebears vs real pvpers. Now where have I heard this before?..

I prefer my friends to be real life ones, but you do you. Don’t let me distract you from your farming, valiant raider of faceroll raids.

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Don’t let me distract you from being one of them solo que heroes nobody talks about.

You do you fella.

It’s either that or not everyone is a loner living in his mom’s basement with nothing better to do than cultivate complex MMO relationships to compensate for his real life social awkwardness.

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Hooo sweet! Ya played the “mom’s basement card!”


I mean, you played the “get gud” card. And you have made a point to insult solo queue people enough in this thread to identify yourself as a sweaty, so you probably are one of the people farming pugs to max HPH. My guess is you are actually a single dude on your own with nothing better to do. If you were younger you would have gotten the “git” right.

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Check out sherlock here.

Half way through typing get good, I went back and retyped good to gud…I just didn’t go back and alter get.


But I am old, and I live in your mom’s basement.
