What I’m getting at is premades are right now the Meta.
If you break that meta, a new one will take it’s place. If you’re not willing to do whatever that new meta is, like you’re unwilling to premade (and yes, I read your specific situation) you will arrive at the exact same situation- unwinnable games because you refuse to follow the meta.
Your situation will not improve. You will succeed in making the game worse for everyone.
No it’s not.
“Separate educational facilities are inherently unequal,”
The Supreme Court
2 completely seperate systems are inherently unequal, no matter how you cut it. One groups has to deal with ranking premades, the other doesnt. They also get the same rewards. It’s not the same thing because the level of competition in the premade group is significantly higher than the pug group.
My softball team in a local league is not the same thing as an MLB team. Even though we only play in our respective leagues. And if you think they’re the same then where’s my multi million dollar contract?
Exactly, premades are inherently different that pugs which is why putting them in the same queue makes no sense. And your analogy is false, what’s happening now is the equivalent of matching a preformed team which can predetermine a number of important qualities like composition and general attitude vs a group of completely random people.
Having the desire and having the ability are two very different things. The players on my server don’t run premades, and by all appearences, nobody is interested in helping me to start one.
Furthermore, the gameplay in pug v pre isn’t at all attractive to me. I would be more interested in premading if it were limited to pre v pre.
Which is comparing apples to oranges, because not having to look for groups to run dungeons would inherently change the nature of the game; where as battlegrounds feature the option to queue for the content and always have.
It’s a fair game in both situations. You’re still more likely to win with a premade team if you constructed it well as far as composition is concerned, and if all of the players you invited are of quality.
You’re a compete idiot, those groups put in more time and effort than you. You’re a garbage player, and probably a garbage person since you can’t make friends. You deserve every loss you take.
Explain that to the pug player who didn’t make even a quarter as much honor playing fair games for twice the amount of time.
Y’all are not willing to exert enough effort to even play pre v pre games, you’re just tossing them and moving on to the next pug to stomp. That hardly qualifies as effort.