How to actually "Redeem" the Horde

Nah this thread is a lazy copy pasta of my legendary thread (which actually summarizes all the core problems of the Horde in the first post).


bro it doesn’t matter what she was doing, yes she was seeking power for her self. But who doesn’t, power is something every one human nation IRL does. Point is you do not attack a leader and not expect a war.


The idea of punishment is a defensive fixation, not a real thing that I was arguing for. You know my position - it is that the Alliance and the Horde fundamentally influence each other, and that fixing their respective problems requires a solution that considers both of them.

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Okay to be fair, the undead scourge just wiped out the northern kingdoms. Likely, guards saw undead and shot first. Orcish Interment Camps, you do realize the ones who built that are now forsaken. Also, it was the least worse solution to a very ugly mess.

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You’re both pretty and smart now shake hands :slight_smile:


Well, if you call “turning into something completely different” a step in the right direction, sure.


Yes, I know. That was not a comment at you just your thread.

Eh, Pellex, it’s not pretty, and I have zero faith in it but if the writers think a Horde council will fix this… ehhhhh that’s optimistic at best.

For the sake of being fair I’ll add my two cents for the OP.

Putting my Alliance biases aside for a moment (I’ll get back to them latter don’t worry) the Horde has been written into a narrative hole that is rarely fixable. There are really only three ways I can see to redeem the Horde in the story and in the eyes of Horde players.

First, time. To be precise a significant amount of time needs to pass in story for a newer generation of Horde character to be brought up into the story. Characters that would have moments and events that would be able to redefine what the Horde is.

Second, a new Grom Hellscream like moment from WC3. Saurfang was an attempt to do this, in my opinion, but his story was so poorly received (and arguably poorly done) that not many players connected with it. As for how that moment might be presented, as a hypothetical, a Horde shaman offers goes on a journey with players to reconnect with the what the Horde could be rather that what it has become. At the end of their journey the shaman offers players a vision of the future of what they could make the Horde going forward.

Third, a full reset of the story. Since Catacylsm the Horde as a whole has been taken in directions that not many players agreed with so it might be better to simply have the entire chain of events since Wrath be a massive hallucination. From there start over by recrafting the events of Cata, MoP, WoD, Legion, BFA, and Shadowlands. Not ideal but with a new writing team, or at least one that is being lead by someone competent, it might be a better solution.


I’m not sure what the horde is supposed to redefine itself as, though. The current version was already supposed to be the concept redefining itself away from WC1-2, so evil horde’s off the table. WC3-era was supposed to be a horde that could be good, but WoW’s expansions have turned that into a lie.

But I don’t think there’s really anywhere to go from there. Saying the horde’s “actually good this time, we promise” isn’t redefining itself, but instead flipping it back to page 1 with fewer characters, trust, and relevance than before. And even if you do come up with something beyond good or evil as base concepts, that’s no guarantee the players will even like the new flavor. You could TRY to develop new characters, sure, but 1) you have to hope the playerbase takes to them in the first place, 2) they should mesh with this new vision that nobody actually knows yet, and 3) they need to be consistently and frequently used for at least a couple MORE expansions so that the players actually develop a connection and fondness for them, all without tiring people out with their presence.

So far, the story’s attempt at #1 has been one fizzled out meme troll, Calia, Derek, and some unnelves.


In the short-term…impossible, in my eyes.

On a longer run, quite possible, i mean, the Horde as a concept can not be fixed in 2 second, if blizzard had 7 years to ruined it in the first place, it will need a long time to rebuild trust, a huge amount of goodwill (from both fanbases, not only the horde one)and this will need consistent writer and presentation

which isn’t going to happen so just retcon it

they’ve written themselves into a corner they can’t escape from


Retcons…don´t redeem anything but make the situation worse…

nah cuz it removes all the lore that wrote us into the current situation

some of the playerbase stays mad, sure, but in-game lore-wise the problem is quite literally removed from the story

and doing a fullscale retcon implies a recognition of fault from the devs, admitting they messed up and wrote a trash story


Do you think- really- that this will lead into a situation that could ever be forgiven, it would certainly help the horde, but it would fundamentally destroy any residual belief in any kind of competence and that could never be repaired.

That is already the case. Nobody has faith or trust in the devs anymore. So just admit error and retcon.


Or it acknowledges the problem and becomes an effort to fix it. There is nothing wrong with a writer admitting that they made a mistake and actively attempting to fix it. As long as this remains a two faction game there are not a lot of options for the Horde to recover from the damage that has been done.


And where stopping? I mean…they did such many bad things in the last …12 Years, i mean, even in the last 15 years…where should they stopping to retcon things?

Retcon the entirely of World of Warcraft, start anew from end wc3?

Lots of ways they could do it man.

  • same place timeline and just publish a list of the new canon
  • Realm Reborn style expansion (which was time travel far, far into the future)
  • Variation of Realm Reborn (we start WoW from the beginning, but alter event such that we keep all the current races, alter some of the details WoW “filled in the blank” between WC3 and Vanilla)
  • Etc.

That’s their choice

But as it stands, they’ve written themselves into a corner and pretending they’re going to, using your words “consistent writer[s] and presentation” over “a long time” (aka multiple expansions) is not going to happen

It’s easier to do it all via ONE expansion with a Realm Reborn mechanic.


Even with an retcon, they would not improve their writing skills and would still be suck like at the moment, only the former option i prefered would asure us, that they improved and make it better, even with a retcon, we would end in a few years again here.

The writers aren’t going to be fired, only given more expansions to continue on the current path or a new opportunity with a renewed setting.