How the subscription change *actually* works

To avoid troll threads and to inform people that are legitimately confused on how their monthly sub is going to be affected by this “change” here is a quick rundown.

If you pay with WoW Token (getting it with gold): Your subscription is unchanged.

If you have a rolling sub that pays $15 a month: Your subscription is unchanged.

If you have any rolling sub at all: Your subscription is unchanged.

If you purchased the 1 month only option for $15 dollars without a subscription commitment: This is changing, Blizzard now only offers 2 months for $30 without a subscription commitment.

Yes, you can still purchase a 1 month subscription for $15 and then cancel right away if you so choose. So if you prefer to pay 1 month at a time, while tedious, that is still totally feasible.

As for the $30 for 60 days of game time, not sure if many of you remember, but physical WoW game time cards, back in the day, were $30 for 60 days of game time. So if you pay with Blizzard Balance, you should expect to have to buy 2 months at a time.

While those that pay month to month without a commitment may be upset about this, here are some pros to the situation: (Like actual no BS optimism.)

1.) This HEAVILY disincentivizes botting.
2.) This HEAVILY disincentivizes those that advertise boosts on separate accounts.

And with such optimism, to balance out this thread, here is some pessimism:

1.) You can no longer purchase WoW subscription for a flat $15 fee outside of subscribing to the game in 1 month increments and immediately cancelling.
2.) This can be seen as a greedy change. The internet typically hates greed.

To address the “WoW is dying” people once more:

Per se that the only reason for Blizzard changing the flat subscription is to make more money off of the group of players that buy their subscription month to month. Wouldn’t this show that the demand for the game has improved as a greedier subscription model for these particular players would be seen negatively?

If WoW was “dying” (as it has been for the past 18 years or so) wouldn’t it be in their best interest to not change any payment model? Or better yet, make the monthly subscription cheaper? You know, like every other MMO that actually tanked?

Hope this was helpful to those you who actually were looking for accurate info.

TL;DR: Unless you pay month to month without a sub commitment, nothing changed.


Thank you for clearly explaining it, i figured it was something like this.

Guess only botters and advertises should hate the change then.


I’m glad this was helpful. :slight_smile:

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I’m wanting to start a second account for more characters and hopefully get the RAF rewards, but not being able to buy only a month for it when I want to play it puts something of a roadblock in the way of getting it. Just when I might have had the funds to try getting it going.

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You could just purchase $15 monthly sub and then cancel it.

I know myself, I forget about subscriptions. I have three going right now (I think) and the only reason I know about the third is it just pulled–I’d forgotten it. Getting a month at a time meant I couldn’t forget to get it done.

Or people that for whatever reason decided to only subscribe via 30 day game time, and don’t have debit/credit cards (yes, people like that still exist).

Little confused - how does this deter botters and advertisers? Aren’t they paying for their stuff with WoW tokens anyway? What changes for them exactly?


Just buy it and cancel it right away so you don’t forget.

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I do this right here
and I don’t see any justification for this change no matter what people say


THey still are .

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They purchase $15 dollar flat sub with the expectation that the account gets banned. Their profit margin is contingent upon how quickly they can farm gold and sell it to when the account is expected to get banned. Since it costs double for them now, it hurts bots. A lot.


Oh neat. Guess that never changed.

I will look at all the time left and think I can do it later, I know I will, That’s why my taxes aren’t done yet.

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I’m still not following. What prevents them from buying a 1 month sub and canceling it, the same as anyone else?

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Not justifying it, just clarifying what the change was.

Other then a couple of times using Blizz Balance and tokens I’ve deen using them for about 11 to 12 years.

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Very difficult to do if you’re creating a lot of accounts over time.

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That botters avoid providing credit card information whenever possible. Sub requires it. That’s my guess.