How the layer-exploit suspensions will go down

Here is the thing, it was not some convoluted clever use of game mechanics sort of deal like the Kazzak reck bomb or kiting a boss to a town/city. They didn’t kite the mobs from other wings or anything like that. The mobs clearly put a buff up, and the buff could clearly be stolen, even a casual player in a PUG would of seen it.

That incident was 100% on Blizzard and it was wrong to ban them for it. But Blizzard is Blizzard, so they can ban for any or no reason. They could of just revoked the loot and fixed the oversight, but instead chose to ban, such a shame.

EDIT: Would be like if I were the boss of a company and forgot to lock the door at night, got robbed, then fired an employee with the reasoning “Well they should of known.”

Sadly, there are some players who feel they are accomplishing something noteworthy by using any means of getting ahead of everyone else. We’ve seen it over an over.

How about the players that play on the PTR, so they can find out what the "next new and valuable [insert resource here] is, so they can “get ahead” of the general WoW population and amass large amounts of gold?

Those kind of people disappoint me, and I feel sorry for them.

But that same mentality exists outside of WoW (IRL) and it’s just as shame-worthy there, as in the game.

How many of these people would brag about what they’re doing to their priest or mother?

I hope Blizzard will respond in a way that reflects how they really feel about exploiters, whether it’s 3 people, or 300,000.

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Look I’ll give your troll attempt a solid 6/10.

You’ve done well, but now that the troll is exposed you need to give it a rest.

Once you resort to saying that synonyms have different definitions the troll becomes obsolete.

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Not quite, because you’re not supposed to rob people.

Layer swapping is intended. In your analogy, the layer hopping situation would be more like leaving the door to a store open because they’re open 24/7, someone keeps walking in and out of the building, and someone who isn’t willing to walk in and out complains that the person who does is getting more goods.

Layer swapping intended for instances also eh ? Part of the game mechanic right?

Oh disappeared after the ban-wave announcements? Funny that. Maybe learn something from this and hopefully it will carry over to your IRL.

Nope. That’s a bug, and it’s been fixed.

You’re the one who disappeared, bud. It’s been 10 days, and I was the last one to make a reply.

Cute that you still think I was abusing any exploits, though. Sorry to disappoint you, but I’m not getting suspended or banned, because I’ve not done anything wrong. :slight_smile:

You have been one of the most vocal defenders of layer-exploiters in just about every thread, claiming its not exploiting and rather a clever use of game mechanics and all is good. So go eat crow and at least have the dignity to admit you have been entirely wrong on the topic.

Someone who can’t even admit, in the face of all we know now, isn’t worth debating with ever.

How exactly do you know what they are or are not tracking?

Do you work at blizzard headquarters?

No. I am a data-scientist and work in the industry. It’s common practice and not hard at all to implement, especially for Blizzard. In fact, I would think its assumed.


I have rightfully stated that layer swapping is not exploiting, because layer swapping isn’t a bug. It is intended.

Please don’t lie. I’ve never once said that.

In fact…

Except I’ve been entirely right.

Not a single person has been banned for using layer swapping. The issue with instances is something totally different, and was a real exploit; a very obvious bug easily replicated and abused to gain an advantage over legitimate players.

Surely you understand the difference between swapping layers to, for example, get some more quest mobs because they’re being camped heavily on one layer but not so heavily on another…

…and literally respawning a boss infinitely to skip past all the trash and prior bosses in a dungeon, allowing you to bypass the 5 dungeons per hour limitation.

Yet you continue to come in here and spew your nonsense in my direction.

You defended players who purposely layer-hop to level and farm. So now you are drawing a line on instance layer-hopping. Got it.

The highlight of all your defenses of layer-hopping, was that Blizzard’s use of the word “exploit” does not mean its an exploit. That was a classic.

Yes, because layer hopping was intended. Nothing that resulted from swapping layers was unintended.

Layers working in INSTANCES, however, was a bug. That was unintended, and EVERY reasonable person knows that it was NOT supposed to work that way.

Incorrect. Please learn to read.

Also, I thought…

Because I won’t allow you to slither your way out of your stance on layering. Blizzard did not intend people to layer-hop using 3rd-party addons etc. in order to level and AOE farm in an unnatural expedited manner.

Layering was intended to decrease the population in overcrowded quest areas, not to teleport around and farm mobs, which Mr. Level 60 is exactly what you most likely have done, especially given your fervent defense of just about every layer-hopping forum complaint thread created.

Furthermore, I would bet the vast majority would say you deserve a ban/rollback similar to the other exploiters. But of course you will claim it was just your clever use of “game mechanics” that got you to 60 so fast…

I care, and will be doing the same.

Uhh, slither out of my stance?

I’ve made my stance very clear, and I stand by it. Layer swapping is not exploiting. Using layering to respawn bosses in instances infinitely is an exploit.

If you don’t understand the difference, it’s because you still don’t know what an exploit is.


Layering was to allow more people to concurrently log onto a single realm, allowing more people to play the game without needing to make more realms that would end up underpopulated once the initial launch population subsided.


I leveled with questing, almost entirely solo, save for the occasional dungeon with my guild once I had all the quests for the dungeon.

I was also easily in the top 1% of levelers on my realm. I had no reason to use layering; I was the only one in the zone, most of the time, because I was 10-20 levels ahead of everyone else.

I’m also not a Mage, so I don’t even come close to killing packs of mobs fast enough to need to layer swap for faster XP.

What do you mean “other” exploiters? I’ve told you repeatedly, I did not use layer swapping. Even if you consider it an exploit, which it isn’t, I’m not included among the “exploiters.”

If you and the supposed vast majority (HAHAHAHA) think that I deserve a ban or rollback just because I leveled faster than you… well, enjoy being very, very disappointed, because that’s not happening.


Quit strawmanning, troll. I never said anything about “clever use of game mechanics.”