How the layer-exploit suspensions will go down

Blizzard has an entire population to derive its statistics from. Those exploiting the layering technology using millisecond scannning invite-to-layer addons in order to teleport to different layers with the sole purpose of farming rare nodes and spawns will be identified using very simple statistics, readily available to Blizzard on every character upon logout.

For example, take the Level 51 Tauren who seems nice enough. When Mr. Tauren logged off on Sep 4, Blizzard will have a vast treasure of statistics describing Mr. Tauren’s activities for just about everything related to the game including:

  1. Time spent in-game
  2. Number and types of nodes/mats farmed
  3. Number of layer’s hopped

Blizzard will then compare Mr. Tauren’s accomplishment with the population sample. For example, if Mr. Tauren’s layer-hops were 10 standard deviations above the average and also 20 standard deviations above the average herbalist’s Black Lotus haul, Mr. Tauren will no longer be viewed as innocent anymore and sadly tagged as an exploiter of Blizzard’s layering technology which was intended to spread out populations in over-crowded zones.

Mr. Tauren will then be suspended or banned for his exploitation and his ill-gotten gains removed from the game.

This is the only path to insure fair play and for Blizzard to publicly set a precedent for Classic that exploitation will not be tolerated. Blizzard simply has no choice if they are to preserve the integrity of Classic.

As a reminder: An exploit (known as “exploitive activity” by Blizzard) is a method of playing the game in a way not intended by the game developers to gain an advantage over other players.


You can’t be banned for blizzard allowing layering



Clearly abusing a mechanic in a unintended way is the definition of exploiting.

And exploiting is against the TOS.

If you know its wrong and against how the game should and is intended to function, it isn’t always a feature to abuse.

Blizzard needs to put their foot down sooner than later on this, temp ban accounts abusing it. Remove items and gold gained through it or just reset/rollback those accounts and their professions when the abuse started


History says otherwise.


I dont get what everyones rush is anyway.

Vanilla was designed to be a slow pace. Theres not going to be tons of content waiting on you at 60. There wont be stuff added to the game outside of the original raids.

Just chillax a bit and enjoy the ride.

Im actually leveling 2 toons by alternating. idc if it takes me 2 months to hit 60. Classic isnt going anywhere.


How is it unintended? There’s no cooldown and that’s on blizzard. People haven’t found some way around it or something. Blizzard just doesn’t know what they’re doing



Yeah, people got banned for using spellsteal to steal bone armor, an ability Blizzard gave mages, and an ability Blizzard gave DK mob that was steal-able. If they were fine banning people for using their own mechanics they put in their own game and openly allowed players access to, pretty sure they are fine banning for any or no reason.


I don’t know whether or not Blizzard will ban these folks but I think it’s safe to say they’re going to lose all the materials they harvested.

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I had this opinion too, but there is something to be said about their ability to farm resources at a much higher rate than anyone else. THAT is absolutely damaging to my experience. Resource prices are going to be very different if some people are able to use an exploit to gather more than others and flood the market with them.


Unfortunately no one will get banned for Blizzard’s inadequacy and negligence. All they see is $$$$$$$$$.


I don’t know how or why they could ban people for a “clever mechanic.” Layering is working as intended. Blizzard decided to not put a limit on the jumping even after concerns had been voiced on multiple platforms.

They even congratulated Jokerd, who clearly used this “clever mechanic” to obtain world 1st. Until they have a statement or fix, it seems Blizzard would deem Layer jumping to be fair.


I’ve already unsubbed my accounts. The only way I would resub would be this move to preserve the integrity of Classic and to send the message. If they don’t, Classic is dead to me.

This really shouldn’t be that difficult if a decision for them. But I can’t help but thing wrong-headedness is going to prevail and they will find a way to drop the ball.


If layer jumping ends up being fair until Phase 2, this game will be utterly broke.
Its just starting to get popularized


Nice work of fiction OP. Reported for trolling and misinformation.

Just so everyone is away, layer hopping is an intended mechanic by Blizzard, working as intended.



No, nothing will be removed. Stop attempting to fear monger.


You cared enough to type. I’m flattered that you care so much.


Lol tell that to the icc raiders who got temp banned for the saronite bomb deal.

Man all the defenders are salty lol

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What does “#MyClassic” even mean, and is there any support for hashtags on Battle Net forums?