How the f do i get wow classic addons after curseforge?

like seriously, I have no idea how to get them now. I know how to install them manually, but how do I even find them on curseforge’s website? i swear this used to be super easy


download wowup:


Did something happen to curseforge? You can always manually unzip them into your add ons folder, but it’s annoying to update them that way

Curse forge works fine, just choose your Classic install on the top right.


imagine not using wowup


I have the same problem returning…Twitch worked so well, but CurseForge only updates some and there are now heaps of interface errors happening. Also I have to Load Out of Date Addons as the wow interface shows almost all are out of date, even super-popular ones that cannot be not current.
Edit - I installed Wowup, which has the same type of interface, however, the issue remains.

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CurseForge is terrible and bloated.

Wowup says Hello.

For curse forge,

(1) Select “World of Warcraft” in the home screen
(2) Look at the top right hand corner ". . . " vertical menu (next to the play button)
(3) select the vertical ". . . " menu (hamburger menu) and select “scan computer for games”
(4) If you have classic wow installed, after the computer is “scanned” you will see a drop down appear next to the “Play” button (top right).
(5) Select the drop down and choose “Classic”

Now all add-ons will install for classic WoW!! Hope that helps :slight_smile:


The above still doesn’t work for me. Everything is having to be done manually.

EDIT: Actually, scratch that. It is called “World of Warcraft 2” in the menu and did pull, I just expected it would have “classic” in the title.


Dude use wowup. It’s waaaay easier


on the top right you can select retail or classic

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ajour addon manager is working perfectly, both on windows and linux.

Curse’s scan… feels excessive. FBI Melania draw’s excessive.

Perfect thank you!

Thanks :pray: I feel lost without quest helper