How The Cosmic Story Is Gonna End

Just to remind everybody:

In Shadowlands we learn that there’s a mysterious 7th Cosmic Force that is mutually exclusive with the other six, and that the reason why there’s this big Cosmic Tug of War between these 6 forces is that they are all scared of this 7th Force and they want to conquer the other forces to have a big enough army to survive the 7th, because a divided Cosmos won’t survive.

Here’s what I think is gonna happen: First, we are gonna beat all the would be Cosmic Conquerors of the 6 Forces. Punch Denathrius’ fangs in, kick Sargeras right in the Twisting Nether, etc.

Then the 7th Force is going to attack. At that point we will unite the Cosmos and make an Army of Titanforged, Demons, Naaru, Old Gods, Wild Gods and the Shadowlads of Shadowlands.

Then we will roflstomp the 7ths and everybody will be happy until the next problem :smiley:



Yeah I’m not the least bit hyped for that.

So there’s 6 cosmic forces who can’t see that uniting and working together will beat the 7th one? Sounds like they deserve to be taken out by the 7th if they’re that dumb

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World of Warcraft: Return of the Sha of Happiness! {◕ ◡ ◕}


The villains want to unite, but they also want to be in charge.

When everybody wants to be in charge, nobody is in charge. That’s why the fight happens lol

Well, we had void master plan multiple times… sargeras masterplan… sylvanas masterplan, jailer masterplan… now we got void masterplan again… thats it

Yeah, they can’t see uniting and working together is the solution. Theyre all fighting for power under the illusion of working together

They deserve to be taken out by the 7th

The shocking twist* is that mortals are the seventh power that the other six are deathly afraid of, and we shall ascend to our rightful place among the cosmos in the Third Age of the mortal races, after banishing the First Ones to the galactic rim along with Lorien - wait.

*shock not guaranteed, some restrictions apply

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I honestly thought this was a set up for a 7 ate 9 joke.


There’s something kind of sad in the dynamic of world building vs. story progression in a game. They’ll spend a bunch of time building up lavish histories of ancient entities and species, carefully engaging in plans that take centuries or millennia to unfold. You’ll have a timeline that goes back 10,000 years.

And then, out of nowhere, in a period of about 20 years, every single cosmic entity and force and god and whatever else all get wrecked by 20 nameless, quasi-canon mortals min/maxing their dps.

Captain Grim did a funny video on youtube about this dynamic, using the “story” of Vanillla. Each new boss is casually wrecked, with the story teller jumping to the next one going, “And then…!” followed by the next boss getting casually wrecked.

(I meant to link the video, but apparently you can’t link youtube videos anymore if you’re not trust level 3 on this forum, and sadly I don’t post frequently enough to maintain that. Maybe someone else could post it.)

This one?

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I forgot about that video lol, classic (no pun intended)

I forget what the others are exactly… Power, Space, Reality, Mind, Soul, and Time?

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Light, Void (Shadow), Order (Arcane), Disorder (Fel), Life and Death.

I dont know how its going to end…
I just hope it ends very, VERY SOON.
This cosmoc crap almost obliterated the game… it was maybe a good call for Starcraft but imo it was a terrible, a very terrible idea for warcraft.

Those are the Infinity Stones.

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