How Sylvanas will be beaten

I’m thinking, if we could just get someone hired at Blizzard’s writing department, we could have them write up a point in the story where her magical Mary Sue plot armor is exposed, and we’re able to finally take her down. I’m thinking pre boss trash pull in the first raid tier? Maybe a little bit of exposition from “Raid NPC #4”, something along the lines of, “It’s Mary Sue! Quickly we must strike her down while we have the chance, she wore the wrong set today”. Obviously, this is a very VERY rough draft. Any help or ideas would be appreciated.

World Quest boss. Not even elite.

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My best guess is the last raid of Shadowlands has us going in to finish off the Jailer. We work our way to him, freeing souls along the way, weakening him and Sylv. All the while we are being helped by NPCs that go in with us and we free along the way. One of them being Bolvar.

We get up to Sylv who is second last before the Jailer. We fight her but in the end Bolvar kill steals but doesn’t actually kill her, just puts her in chains. Then we go on to kill the Jailer.

But as we all know Blizz likes reusing stories so in the end there must always be a jailer. And of course we set Bolvar up as Jailer, leaving Sylvanas ‘alive’ with him to make her pay, cause you know they hate killing a good baddie when they can save them to come back later. Thus reusing both the end of Wraith and Leigon.

I want a cinematic where she reveals some complex plot that leads to her betraying the Jailer, only for her plan to fall apart and she gets obliterated out of existence.

Mary Sue arc where she jumps in at the last second and says something like I was a hero all along but complex plot, let me help you kill last raid boss like grom hellscream

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No, I’d much rather she stuck around. Which she will. And that’s just fantastic. For the Dark Lady, forever.


She’a going to become the new arbiter. Mark me.


Genn Greymane can handle her sassy attitude. He could marry Sylvanas and turn her into a domesticated stay-at-home-wifechief.

Sylvanas wouldn’t like it, well. she’d act like she didn’t, but she’d love it low-key. A man who gives her structure.

I thought this thread was about Sylvanas, not Jaina?

In a pet battle. She loses and the pain of losing a game of Not Pokemon causes her to commit sudoku.

I am kind of looking forward to her becoming a raid boss so I can repeatedly cue and refuse to fight. It will be so awesome!

Oh, the fight is simple… exactly like Jaina. YOU cannot kill a main character, you are not worthy. Jaina should be dead dead dead but Blizzard saved her.

Warcraft is not your story, you have no choices, and the writers are really really really bad.

One more thing, they kill her and they’re going to lose a nice chunk of money. So you can be happy that the next expansion will be far worse than BFA, isn’t that spectacular!

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Arthas returns … and beats her yet again.

Actually, I hope Sylvanas is with us into perpetuity, the salty tears the Dark Lady generates from the forums on a daily basis is oh so sweet :slight_smile:


She is killed by an elf called Hope Firetree. The same way Arya killed the Night King.

Cant wait for her to survive this expansion and see her in many more cinematic trailers being the hero that she is and lick up all the salty tears of the cheeks of those who hate her.

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Is it Sunday already?

Nope still Tuesday come back on Sunday and post this…

That would be the stupidest thing they could possibly do with her… and I agree that’s what I think Blizzard is going to do. I hope we’re both wrong.

Why people are allowed to necro threads is beyond me…

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Isn’t it ironic that shes the last boss of the current raid tier and we’re still theorycrafting how she will be beaten?

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She will be slain through foul necromancy… oh wait.


(no cookie)

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