I’m not on a low pop server, now am I?
The sharding issue by and large a problem we’re dealing with rn, on the important servers.
The rp ones.
I’m not on a low pop server, now am I?
The sharding issue by and large a problem we’re dealing with rn, on the important servers.
The rp ones.
okay? Moon Guard and Wyrmrest Accord are huge servers. Moon Guard is consistently “Full” as far as server population goes. Once upon a time you had queues to log into them. Sharding on roleplay servers was never a thing back then and it shouldn’t be now.
Frankly? Sharding is much worse than connected realms and I would rather they look at that as a solution for the plethora of desolate communities that barely function.
For PvE realms that are sharded, you can’t trade items, create guilds, or find groups with people from other servers; there’s no point to being sharded with players from other realms except for the superficial effect of “seeing” other players exist - and then disappear after a sharing 5 minute encounter in the world.
Connected realms would at least offer consistency for a semblance of community to form.
And if that did happen—Sharding would nonetheless be a detriment to its health. When it’s impossible to find familiar faces, the new ones stop mattering.
This toon was generally alone in major cities, until they added some cross realm recently.
Moon Guard and Wyrmrest Accord are not small servers and they should not be treated as such. I’m sorry you’re on a small server that relies on CRZ but we are on these servers to meet roleplayers and connect with our friends. If you want to be CRZed with other RP-PvP servers, that’s a completely separate issue.
I agree, don’t cross real. High pop rp servers.
I play on ED and it is fine without truly needing crossream, but Ravenholdt is lonely.
But connect, don’t CRz.
But also don’t connect 10 low pop. Throw one at a high and 3 at a medium or something.
On low pop servers you are already alone most of the time.
That’s because they put multiple high pop realms together. So if you are on a high pop realm, you will see players from other high pop realms in your capital city. If you are on a low pop server, you see players from other dead servers, but it never looks busy.
Considering they shard leveling zones so you rarely see anyone, and sub 50’s cannot use the group finder, I don’t think they want you to play with friends or make friends while leveling. Lots of quests now will break up a group that is playing together and make each player individually solo some boss mob.
You’re supposed to make your “friends” when you reach end game and put together winning esports teams.
We’re not asking for anything new/different. Only that what has been the status quo be resumed.
We shouldn’t have to ask repeated times, multiple threads, multiple forums. RP servers shouldn’t be sharded. Blizz said they wouldn’t, then promptly forgot. That interview with Ion said someone’s reading ALL the comments in the forums. Are they really? Because if so, why is no one looking at the fact that there are so many complaints from RP realm players about this?
Hopefully we get some traction soon on that front. I’m quickly getting the characters I want up to speed where I want them. RP is my main hobby, and the harder they make it…
Let’s be real. This topic is relevant again because Blizzard has some weird rule where you can only reply three times to a forum post and STILL hasn’t done anything to fix the issue nearly a month later based on the other thread we’ve all been whining about.
You know that lag you get during the community feast in Azure Span? Yeah… you don’t wan’t to disable sharding.
Have you ever taken the time to count how many people at that feast are from your server? Do you ever look at the names and see one that you’ve encountered before?
Yes, I actually want to.