How Q-Sync Healers Can Rig BG Blitz

Happens all the time - countdown ques - blizz cant stop or wont

i like how we went from “this never happens show us proof that this happens you have no proof there are many reasons for people to miss or drop a queue” to “this happens all the time, you can’t stop it”

all i hear is “i’m queue syncing with me mates cause i’m so impossibly bad at this game i cannot win with randoms”

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That’s some bull jive, u must need to sync to win

Bump, the riggers and rmt’rs don’t like this shizz. Sheds light on what’s going on, blizz should be ashamed.


This is good to know, I hope Blizzard will intervene here.

It’s mostly just conspiracy theories.

Just remove duo queue period.

It technically is still ahead of time. It’s a brawl to continue public testing for when/if it becomes a rated mode.

I mean it is and will be. It even happens in RSS with Prot Pallies. It will happen at higher ratings though where there are less people to pull from. Will it be wide spread? No. But the fact that it can even be done is an issue.

The thing is you only need the double healer duo on one side to throw a match because of how much power that healer duo has over the game.

It’s there, but extremely low. Just like win trading/boosting etc exist in all brackets atm.

Yes it is. I don’t trust Blizz with anything PVP at the moment, though. Or the player base for that matter, because it is down to the players too.

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