How Pre-patch feels like

Hey, everyone!

Who looks FOTM atm…

  1. Ret pala (feels for 40% of their strenght in 1st season DF after they were reworked)
  2. Unholy DK (unhealable, they just eat you)
  3. Furry Warrior (my smash, my zag zag!!!111one1)
  4. Elem shaman (that damage, feels like there are 2 elems not 1)
  5. Assa rogue (x2 vanish, hard burst)
  6. All mages (just feels tanky…)





yea wat grandpa says ok buddy u need some help

Poor guys, I have seen so much in my life that your messages are like the chirping of birds, I’m from the Eurasian continent.

Jim is this what the kids call Skibbidi brain rot


Shhh, baby, shhh…

yea buddy y r u talkin bout urself

Dk>ele>ret> everything else. The damage being insane is one thing, but they also just do not die.


I’ve died sitting a few stuns instead of using trinket where I wouldn’t have before. Only real major gameplay difference I’ve noticed.

I may have been pissed off when i wrote this

I’m confused…what is the reasoning behind preordering the expansion for yourself on multiple accounts? Or I guess even having multiple active accounts in the first place?

Oh great choice man you refunded an expansion that is likely going to have as many balance updates as DF S1 because the PRE PATCH was unbalanced

Great choice


“as a day 1 vanilla player” :nerd_face:


anyone who says that I just think “damn, you’re old!”

It’s a common theme. “I refunded my epic upgrade because I didn’t get x and y.” Meanwhile we’ll see him in a few weeks.

It’s either Stockholm Syndrome, or he’s just dumb.

Fr the delusions

Brah i do be playing on that DUH AY HUONE on the OLD VERSION BRO YOU REMEMBER? i refunded my game cause some dude on the prepatch hit me with a 20k dot. Unbelieveable! I demand blizzard give me the game for free while also paying off my student loan debts cause i just got into college this year after high school and obviously played day 1 of classic in my baby stroller.

Blizzard hear meee

Fury anywhere near fotm for pvp when everyone has 70%+ armor in prepatch due to tww scaling lmao

Fury is v good in pve and weirdly not terrible in pvp since a good portion of its damage is in roar and fury, which are bleeds. But ya, all physical damage specs are big struggling RN.