How old are the Dracthyr? - Lore and Information on Dracthyr

( I wanted to look up some lore on the Dracthyr and the Aspects but I couldn’t find reliable information that was recent from the Dragonflight Expansion. Does any one here know how old they actually are or how long they’ve been around? I’d like to know more about them. I tried to search up prior discussions and I couldn’t find any thing (or I typed my search poorly). Thank you for your help and time. )

Referenced and cited:


20 thousandish years.

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(That’s the best site so far. It has actually stories and information. Thank you for this I truly appreciate this very much. I didn’t realize they were so old. Makes quite a tale for RP.

“So how old are you?”

Never ask a Dracthyr their age.



Regardless thank you for the information. This is most helpful.)

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They’ve been in magic coma for 20,000 years.

Dracthyr are pretty old. See that big dust cloud over there? Nope, not a sand storm, just some gassy Dracthyr. :dracthyr_nervous_animated:

I am only 20 years old. Just look at my visage form.

They’re at least 20k years old. They were created at a time in which dragons and trolls were pretty much the only civilized races on the planet. Tauren were all still yaingol. Elves hadn’t mutated yet or they were just starting to. Most of the PC races were titanforged workers. The curse of flesh had JUST been unleashed. Sargeras didn’t know Azeroth existed yet. He was busy with Argus during this time. They’re OLD


Now the question is do they age?

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