How much would you pay for this art?

Not my art. I’ve been commissioning someone on a browser game for these and I kind of feel like she could totally earn real money with it instead of just …dragon money. I paid equal to $2.50 per chibi and I even overpaid.

If someone with T3 could post them that would be GRAND.


Since you asked…

Nothing. I don’t like that style.

p.s. Just wanted to note that I don’t think the artist sucks.



Imgur hates me. I can’t post the images by themselves.

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You got beat XD
Thanks both of you ladies, though!!

And thanks Tovi for your honesty.


As a business owner who actually has art and chibi art as part of a marketing strategy, I can say for that particular art, nothing. It’s not clean. The line work is rough. The design I also go for is usually action shots, but those are the art equivalent of a T-Pose in game design. No life to them and it’s honestly not clean work.

Now as a business owner I can also say for every critter there is a creature and people buy anything. But can you get enough people to buy to justify spending time on your product.
Good luck to your friend though. I am sure someone out there would pay for that.


I had to right click them and open the image in a new tab lol

To answer the question OP: honestly I don’t like to offer prices on people’s art because only they know how much effort it took and can value their own work. The pictures are cute but not particularly personal or detailed so I can’t imagine paying a huge amount for them.


Three bucks and I’ll throw in this granola bar I found in the cupboard.


definitely not 30$'s but would probably buy one if the price was fair.

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My take is that there is great, free art on Google!


Tree fiddy.


There’s a monthly local artist faire near me and I try to buy something every time I go, I like filling my house with more personal and unique decorations lol

That being said I’m also cheap so I don’t tend to spend more than like 30 bucks


Man I need to find one of those.

All I have on my walls is a painting I did at a paintbar a year ago.

Was gonna go back but then . . . COVID.


That’s pretty nice that you do that! For me, I should go on that cheapskates show because I probably spent $30 on non-necessities in the past month :laughing:

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I’d go $25 max. It’s not my style, so personally I’d pass.

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Oooo I have one of those too, it’s the Child from Mandalorian lol

My ex-wife wouldn’t let me hang it, so the first thing I did when we split was stick that sucker directly above a doorway :laughing:


Seen that style before and not a fan of it.

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As many above said, not really my style. Also not currently my obsession.

Now, seeing people who do Hazbin Hotel art very much tempts me to commission them… But then I’m too afraid to actually reach out and talk to them, lol.

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I have requested art from the kids of my counselors before, kitties, of course. their work now decorates my staircase.

I really need more of that show :sob:

I know how you feel lol

My friend and I recently commissioned some character art for our D&D group though and it was surprisingly easy and casual. Turns out artists don’t bite!