We all know sac new talent is bugged and kinda broken but how much gold does anyone wanna bet that they will fix that before fixing the fact that my tooltips all read lower numbers this week than last week with no changes to gear, stats, (apart from haste but that doesn’t change tooltip dmg) etc. And the healing increase of 20% to wog not implemented yet. Or the fact that judgement doesn’t work on half the types of summons, or everything that is listed in everything wrong with ret paladin for that matter.
I bet you 100k gold they will fix the sac “exploit” before the game breaking bugs that make ret weaker. They always nerf the things making you stronger not the things making you weaker than intended.
lol as if I’d tell you to get banned. Good try
He says sac new talent, it’s either the auto-trigger or the cleanse poison/disease thing.
From context, Mortal plays mostly PVP so it might be something that only work there, where you also mostly play.
Lastly, we can assume it either involves a trigger on Recompense more often than it is supposed to or a invulnerability to poison/disease that last for longer than intended.
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I mean I went on to read the pvp forums and everyone is talking about it there.
Autosac talent not proccinf a cd
I am not getting banned for that.
You “eye, ear, nose and throat”…??? WTF is eent?
Went. My physical body cannot handle the speed of my gamer brain
Ohh okay, my mind couldnt put it together but that makes sense. LOL
Well me reporting it is possible to get me banned. They fixed it tho so you owe me 10k gold at least cuz that’s my bet. They didn’t fix any other bug that is our wogs doing less healing than before with a 20% buff lmao, and our dmg doing less than before on tooltips with a said 6% buff which both were lies hahaha. And on top of that we don’t have lightbearer either it’s also bugged and doesn’t work off of our healing and doesn’t heal ourselves. It says nearby allies. Allies always accounts for the player itself too. The prot pvp talent reduces prot self healing by 50% even tho it says allies.
Auto sac + tempered in battle is ridiculous. Both in that it can negate sac damage completely but also kill you, lmao. I love it.
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