How much to tip for craft

I tipped 10k each time for my staff because I wanted to cover the concentration it took to make it at 619/636 with an embellishment each time. Plus, it was a guild order and I am super thankful someone took the time to level it up and be available for the craft. :heart:

I always tip 800 gold never more never less I always get my item made in like 10-15 minutes tops.

Some folks will try to get over on you at the beginning of expansions and patches and request absurd amounts of gold per craft (20-40K) - I’d never give them business.

2K - 10K max.

I will craft your gear for whatever. if I tell you 5k and you want to pay 1k you will just go elsewhere for who will do it for 1k. All I do is click a button. If I want to recoup my costs for leveling the prof, turning away people aint gonna do it. Especially when someone else will craft it.

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yeah people who did the alt army and are posting every profession in one macro do massive volumes of orders and most people will at least tip 2k and plenty tip more

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We have a a lot of good honest folk in here who don’t overcharge.

Concentration is limited which is understandable, but that’s no reason to rip people off.

I always agree with charging for concentration especially at this point in the expansion where having to use it generally means the person is being cheap in the material ranks and even if you get a resourcefulness proc its likely going to be garbage r2 mats

If it requires concentration, then 5k. That’s my starting point for people who ask. Thats also the minimum I pay out when I need something crafted.

There are a few recipes that tookna lot of work / cost some gold to get, so there is a flat rate on crafting those as well.

So far I’ve had zero complaints.

I crafted a public order promising a heftier tip for a 100g tip.

They are now on my banned list.


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wait what % do they get cause I can start handing my friends the gold instead

i tip 10k for normal slot and 20k for weapon slot.

they still try to get more sometimes :wink: trying to hit the feels with things like “it took a lot of concentration but i did it!” like if i was gonna tip em more lol

try to hit up guildies instead.

*that’s for personal orders. i only do 2k for public ones.

i decline 2k tips in weapon crafts, 5k minimum for 619 weapon 10k for 636 weapon, simple.

5% is taken out of the tip

Depends on what I’m asking to get crafted. Basic profession tool because the AH either doesn’t have a tool with the stats I need or they’re too expensive? 200g

Epic pattern that requires some significant time investment? Anywhere from 500g to 1k for most things but if I expect the crafter to use concentration to attempt to get maximum quality I’ll usually go up to 2k or more.

If I provide all materials I offer 1k.

Never had a problem getting something made.

personally i tip this:

lots and lots of them.

Or maybe your Q5 is their work and gold lmao Xd

5-7k for crafts armor
~10k for crafts wep/profession tools

100 gold and let them cry about it

It cost me about 200k to level my Tailoring. It’s not just clicking a button. I’m surprised that people think 500g is appropriate. I likely won’t level up another profession ever again.

Yeah but then you consider how much you save yourself by being able to craft your own gear at 5-7.5k a pop from the tip alone plus you might be able to use cheaper mats like I do with blacksmithing. It easily pays for itself.