How much time does it take to get Lv.10 just zone running?

Launch day is going to be packed, and if layering won’t help the swarm of new players, does zone running become a viable option?

How long would it take to get your character to level 10 just by entering new zones?

Also, which race’s starting zone would be the best for this?

Well if ur alliance there is gonna be a million dwarf priests and gnome mages so stay clear of Ironforge.

Starting zone is immaterial, as if you are wise, you might go explore ALL the starting zones, maybe even find one that isn’t as full and pick up a quest or two.

I cannot even begin to tell you if you can close to level 10, which I doubt.

Running around zone hopping isn’t a option to level. If ya can’t do quests just grind mobs.

you will die an untold number of times

I ran an Orc Rogue to Everlook and boy was that an experience, but I definitely wasn’t 10 by the time I got there

I’m rolling a gnome warlock. Glad it won’t be a human because I don’t even want to think about dealing with the imp quest in Northshire on launch day, or even the entire launch week.

I think this character was made before tbc … don’t remember the exact route but she ran to silithus and was lvl5 when she hearthed back to IF. I remember she ducked into Hinterlands as well. It was a day long adventure, mostly corpse running, but sometimes the spirit healer is closer to your final destination.

On another thread I got a good reply that you can gauge eploration xp efficiency.

If congestion is bad enough then exploring to lvl 4 or 5 should be faster and the flight paths are a nice bonus.

After running for an hour I got level 3 through Teldrassil, Darkshore, and Ashenvale. So, it really depends just how congested things are if you keep going to level 10 that way.

Daaaang. Ok first off, you guys are awesome. Second, the dream is dead :joy:

Maybe name your character after Forest Gump. I heard that gives you a luck bonus when running through zones, but you have to constantly yell one of the following lines:

  • Jenny!
  • Life is like a box of chocolates.
  • S**t happens.
  • These are my magic shoes.

There may be more lines, but it’s hard to remember them right now.

Good luck if you try it. :slight_smile:

“But Lt. Dan, you ain’t got no legs”

“I am not a smart man”

“I gotta find BUBAAAAAAA!”

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I don’t think gnome mages will be that big tbh. More human mages. Lots of dwarf priest though. One of there thing… How do you afford skills ?

Sorry, Zone running is not an efficient use of time, or a meaningful amount of XP.

I Zepplined to Org to join an RFC group, where they shared 3 quests with me – 2 of which were in TB.

At the end of the group, I decide to run to Ratchet -> Crossroads -> Camp T -> Thunderbluff, picking up the flight paths all the way.

The 2500 XP I got from turning in the 2 quests in TB crushed any exploration XP I got, but it still took over 1/2 hr to do the run. So, from a “XP/hr” point of view, it wasn’t efficient or reasonable at all.

Can’t imagine trying to get any real levels out of doing it.

I made it too lvl 10 as a hunter and my first death was in WSG LOL

And were you running through high level zones for exploration xp? Because if not it’s not really relevant.

That’s at what level 10+?

You can run from Valley of Trials to TB and get to at least level 3.

The lower level you are the better but I’d say don’t go beyond some key flight points.

My plan at launch is Valley-SenJin-RazorHill-Org then Zep to Tirisfal get Brill IDd pick up UC FP and maybe even sepulcher if I’m feeling it, if not hearth back to Valley from UC or Sepulcher and take hidden trail to Ratchet-XRoads-Camp T-TB

You can reach level 5 in under an hour from exploration with many races. It’s an option, but who knows if it will be worth it.

Well, log on toon 1 run to the inn, do that all 10x on the realm of your choosing with all 10 toons you may play
That should kill a little while, once their in a inn, watch something on Netflix, when its over log on, starter area will have a few less people and you will have some double xp

There are also some main city quest you can get at real low lvl that aren’t tied to killing anything, take this box to this dude stuff, so some free xp their