How much renown for the campaign?

Finally going through Dragonflight for the first time, hit 70 and was going through the campaign with few issues and was really enjoying it.

Anyone know the solid numbers required for renown to continue the campaign? I couldn’t find anything from simply googling it. Hoping for more solid answers here.

I’m at;

Maruuk Centaur - 17
Iskaara - 7
Valdrakken - 10
Dragonscale - 11
Loamm Niffen - 2

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I’m fairly certain they removed renown requirements for the campaign I shall investigate for you kind sir


They have not. At least not for your first time through it seems, I know once you get through it once with adventure mode? I believe it’s more laxed on alts that way. Which is what I’m attempting to get too.

Under Dragonflight in my quests right now, it’s quoted as such-
“Raise your Renown with the major factions of the Dragon Isles to continue the campaign.”

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I might be mistaken I swear I saw something though but I could be wrong sorry about that will keep checking though

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No, not for your first play through on an account.

I am not sure the exact number. I haven’t logged in this week yet to see if that rep buff is active still from last week.

Not sure of the exact numbers but I imagine mowing through a lot of the basic quests in each zone will do the trick. Do they say what renown level you need exactly? It’s been a while for me.

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It does not, I have side quests for nearly all of them that I could do. I’m focusing on the tuskarr at the moment as that’s the lowest of the primary 4?

I’m not sure if Noamm is included, it has not been included in the campaign as of yet. So I’ve ignored it for the time being. Wishing the goal of the renown number needed was apparent. Like if it’s 10 for all, I can do that. I mean I got Centaur to 17 by accident. xD

I can’t really remember but I know certain renown faction rewards are quests, and I know maxing out or reaching certain thresholds in specific reps increases rep gained for alts.

Other than under Dragonflight does it have any other info as to what quest or campaign it is, that you need to grind more rep for?

Hey, I knew I wasn’t imagining this in the end :dracthyr_hehe_animated: so with the upcoming patch on May 7th

  • All Dragonflight quests that previously became available with Renown levels are now available to all max-level player-characters, regardless of Renown.

So you should be able to finish everything. Not sure if you’ve already done what you needed to do, but there it is :dracthyr_nod:

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Ooh, huh. Okay… just been focusing on one at a time and seeing what unlocks. Made decent progress, but as the next renown tier requirement for Dragonscale is at 24 and I’m not even at 20.

Happy to hear, thanks.

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