How much of Ashenvale do the Night Elves control now?

YOU keep insisting it didnt happen my guy and I said the Iron horde didnt defeat the legion because we literal broke them and thats the entire reason the orcs finally gave into drinking mannoraths blood.

You would know this if you actually played WoD at all :rofl:

The Iron Horde defeated the legion before they invaded our world.
Are you denying this canonical fact that we have witnessed with our own eyes and read in game quest text about.

That’s a rhetorical question, we already know you do.

The IRON HORDE and I’ll say this real slowly for you

They DID NOT defeat the legion.

Unless of course you think Legion didn’t happen either :rofl:

They did.
We witnessed it.
We freed the burning legion’s generals.
lol. lmao.
You’re a joke.

Edit: I see what you’re trying to backpedal into. You’re saying that because they did not kill the entire burning legion, they did not defeat them.

You’re objectively wrong. Blizzard acknowledges that nelves defeated the burning legion without killing every single demon in the universe.

Accept that you’re wrong with what little grace you have left after lying into this whirlpool of stupid.


I know lore is hard for you Treng. It’s okay. :person_shrugging:

In this case, I think Treng is referring to the events that set up WoD, not the events of WoD - as in, the orcs had defeated Gul’dan and Cho’gall before the events of the expansion, since they were defeated and reduced to living batteries for the Iron Horde’s plans when the adventurers arrived.

Though I wouldn’t equate that to defeating the Legion, as the timeline diverged before much summoning had happened - Garrosh used his future knowledge to head Gul’dan off and prevent the full Legion occupation and subjugation of the orcs, so they didn’t face the same force of the Legion as was fought later in WoD.


I think he means what went down before the expansion proper started. When the Iron horde kind of just ambushed the Legion.

Which is a fair cop, but they also had Garrosh pretending to be a prophet who gave the iron horde the exact playbook to expect and were facing a small Legion/Warlock force that was really only there to turn the orcs, not fight themselves.

I definitely do agree that the Draenei not warning the orcs was a rather awful thing to do. “Your almost certain annihilation due to our arrival is not our problem” is a pretty awful stance for a “good” race.


Who cares if they had future vision from garrosh? They would’ve had it from velen the prophet if velen had decided to forewarn the orcs.

The Iron Horde still defeated the legion so securely that they could invade other worlds.

Velen’s prophecy is kinda useless, has he never not been caught flatfooted over major events?

It’s not like Garrosh told Grom anything he wouldn’t have known about Mannoroth being present anyway. He was forewarned and forearmed with the knowledge that the Legion intended to enslave the orcs.

So, he killed them.

Fullstop. The orcs defeated the Legion – including Teron Gorefiend, Gul’dan, and MANNOROTH HIMSELF with nothing but steel and gunpowder.

Something Shasani always likes to plug his ears and yell to ignore is that orcs are so resilient that demons themselves are taken aback by it. When the demons discovered how resilient orcs were, they were paramount to be added to the Legion.

Orcs might not be able to hit as hard as a tauren, but they can take hits and keep on truckin’. As Broxigar proved.*

*To head off the incoming lie from the NEFPA: The Axe of Cenarius does not improve stamina, it does not add health, it does nothing but cut well and quickly. Broxigar had the stamina and the fortitude to kill so many demons that he built a pile tall enough to strike Sargeras’s shin. Not his avatar’s shin. Sargeras himself.

Literally nobody claimed otherwise

Stop lying dude.

Y’all have a issue with making up stuff nobody actually said, it’s sad

And capturing three warlocks and defeating mannorath is not defeating the legion. The legion’s actual defeat didn’t come until much later after their invasion was stopped by us, the AU orcs and Draenei, and Khadgar plus kirin tor

But you know this but you keep persisting with this made up story of yours

Sure is.
We witness Garry and Grom do it.
Then we see what Garry and Grom did with them: Used them as batteries. They were powerless to stop it. We saved them.

Battles are pitched. If they are not stalemated, battles have victors. The orcs won with nothing but steel and gunpowder.

Someone else defeating the Legion later doesn’t mean they didn’t defeat them then.
Dumb argument.

Look his visions worked fine for 20,000+ years. It was only after crash landing on Draenor that it ended up screwy.

He gets so upset over his own made up problems. Like, even if you don’t think orcs are more resilient than demons, why is that such an upsetting thing?

Killing Mannoroth and taking Cho’gall and Gul’dan captive is not what I would call “defeating the Legion.” So all of this is really hinging on Dread’s assumption that killing Mannoroth (aka a single Legion General) = defeating the whole Legion. But that’s Dread for ya.


A single victory against one legion general is not the equivalent of defeating the legion.

At least try to learn the difference


The problem is people are more concerned with discussing their headcannon/fanfic than the actual lore


Did you two sleep last night?!

Did you? :joy:

I slept beautifully

Considering my last post here was 15 hours ago, yes.

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It was made specifically for the orc Broxigar, and he described it as being like an extension of his own arm. Created using druidic magic, the axe was enchanted with a piece of Kalimdor’s magic, making it light as a feather and stronger than any mortal-forged axe. It proved to be able to slice through any foe with ease.

You loose no real stamina if you feel no weight if you hit left and right and this hit Slice through your enemys with easy. The ONLY - listen carefully - ONLY reason he was able to hurt sargeras was this weapon.

The reason he was able to kill so many demons was his weapon.
Before the axe he was a great warrior, nothing more or less, this weapon made him an demonkilling machine of destruction.