How much is too much addon memory?

how much is too much addon memory running at once?

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Once you start noticing slower performance is when you should think about capping your usage.

I feel you can have as much as you want for as long as you have RAM to spare, since the more addons you use, the more memory the game client uses. Addons add to the load times as well, so having an SSD helps speed that up as well.

I use between 200-300 addons (a lot of them are “framework” addons with sub-addons like HandyNotes, DBM, etc), and my total adds a few hundred megabytes of additional RAM usage.


Squints I could never

i was also curious about this. im currently at 650 MB and thats with me being conservative. was just wondering if i should continue being conservative or if 650mb is nothing

If you have free ram to spare thats fine. Unused ram is usless ram.

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People sitting here like “650 and i’m super conservative” and i’m sitting here with 2.97GB of addon framework, Images, etc loaded into system memory just for tanking.

wow…i have according to the client 13.28mb of addon memory.

What the heck are you guys using, LOL?

Presently I am using only:
Shadowed UF


Here I thought I use a lot of addons. Even close to 300 addons, it is only using ~280Mb of RAM. :open_mouth:

My addons use about 450MB of RAM.

Like these folks said totally depends on the amount of RAM your system has. If you aren’t hitting over like 80% of available RAM you shouldn’t notice any difference whatsoever. You can also optimize RAM usage while in game with programs like Razer Cortex. Would absolutely recommend downloading something like this if you haven’t already

first time hearing about razer cortex. is it actually useful or does it only really make a big difference in PC’s that are out of date

I don’t know anything about this but it sounds like you just downloaded more RAM

Appears to just be an app like you’d have on your phone that frees up RAM by suspending processes

Haha, same here! 11-13MB total.

50 mods just under 100Mb and about half of that is WeakAuras but I’m also solo questing in the world