How much honour from rank 7 - 10?

just wondering what i need to farm for this

Your add on tells you.

256k honor will take you from 7.0 to 9.4 first week.

Then you need 142k honor to do 9.4 to 10.0 in week two.

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get the addon called “ranker” gives you the exact Honor gained/needed for the next rank.

ranker doesnt seem to go past rank 7 but ty

does that mean 400,000k to rank 10 ?

log onto an era realm and use the “what if” calculator to get exact numbers, ranker stops at 7 because you are logged into a sod realm

what fallo posted is correct, you need 2 weeks split exactly as he said

I stopped pvp once they started blanket nerfs instead of addressing class issues.

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Nope, you can’t go past 9.4 the first week. Getting above the 250k mark won’t do you any good

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get above 256,250 honor to get to rank 9.4 , anything under that, and you wont be rank 9

The week after that you need 142,500 to get to rank 10 from 9.4


Im already tearing up thinking about the grind…hopefully AV wont make it so bad…hahaha…haha…ha…

You will spam AV for exalted anyway.

I wonder if they toggle on AV weekend on first week. Hope it will be 2nd atleast.

follow the era AV weekend method and youll get it in a day.