How much harder are Mythic 0's in comparison to Heroics?

OP give us an update! How was your m0 experience? Lmk if you’re still looking, I’ll run a batch of 0’s with you to help out.

Hello! Thanks for asking :). Havent run any yet since I didn’t feel quite ready to give them a go. I still want to run some more on Heroic before I try any. I have run Heroic MoT a ton of times trying to farm the flower crown so that will be my first one I want to try, although that dungeon seems incredibly easy comparatively to most others. Ran hPlaguefall for the first time last night too and I felt like I should for sure get a bit more familiar with the mechanics of the other dungeons because it was a bit harder to keep everybody up. I will add you in game though and shoot you a message when I am ready. Thanks so much! My ilvl is currently at 175 which seems like perhaps I am starting to outgrow heroics a bit.

I would also be happy to tank some M0 dungeons for you if you like. Post your Btag and I’ll send you a friend request.