How much gold should I trade for a WoW token?

I hate to tell everyone here… but you are allowed to trade retail to classic gold or whatever…

as long as the money is going through blizzard via tokens… they are all for it.

and this has been confirmed…

State minimum wage trumps federal minimum wage when higher. So the $7.25 minimum wage only applies to hick states that approve of what would be considered sub-minimum wages in the rest of the nation.

he never mentioned states…stop trying to argue against facts with faulty logic.

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Tree fitty.

The minimum wage in my state isn’t $7.25. That is fact.

true, but the poster specifically referred to the Federal minimum wage which, despite your assertion to the contrary, is the same $7.25 across all states regardless of what their state minimum wage is.
Don’t base your argument on oranges when the discussion is about apples.

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But in most states, the federal minimum wage is lower than the state minimum wage rate. So the federal minimum wage is basically irrelevant except in hick states.

Who cares about the minimum wage? What a dumb reason for pricing an item.

I say 250-350 sounds reasonable.

Also, I don’t even need to see a GM say it. I can sell a token on the AH in retail and I can certainly accept a trade on Classic. Neither are against the rules.

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Ill keep enjoying my 2000 SQ Ft house while the people in the non “hick” states get 550 Sqft studios for the same price. I also get gigabit internet for cheaper than what those monopolies in the big cities offer for 1/10 of the speed. I lived in a non “hick” state for 2 years and you couldn’t pay me to want to live there again.

Double the minimum wage is offset when everything else costs 10-80% more.

Oh look, based on my calculation, the OPs numbers fell right in this range.


Nah even worse. The kind of lowlife that buys gold.

Always wondered why people preferred to live in a cramped apartment in a big city with traffic, noise, and the homeless rather than in one of those magnificent southern mansions bordering acres of swampland filled with mosquitoes and gators.

If affording a sub is even a question I’d suggest working more.

Well… a) 2000 Sq Ft is a joke. That’s like a 3 BR house and Atlanta is a major city where this goes for about 200k on the regular.

B) Big cities are good because there is always something to do, you don’t have small town drama where everyone gets a reputation true or not.

If I want Indian, Ethiopian, Southern, BBQ, Thai, Real Chinese, Real Japanese, Middle Eastern, street food, Michelin star food, FRESH seafood, or that bomb fried chicken place that looks like hell on the corner of MLK, but makes the best chicken you’ve ever had… I can get it.

Also, every genre of music and band comes to my home town. I have a national sports team in multiple sports RIGHT next to my condo. I can literally walk to the Braves stadium in about 15 minutes.

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Sorry, I left out the /s. Didn’t think I needed it. :grin:

No one ever said it wasn’t…your states minimum wage has nothing to do with his statement.

Reading comprehension is hard…so do not feel bad

Yeah, reality is hard for some people to understand. That’s why ___ News exists.

I could care less about sports, bands or ethnic food. To each their own. I woods, the mountains, and quiet.

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Oh, hey, Atlanta has woods north of it too. There’s also national parks like Stone Mountain.

So we have all that and what I listed.

He just didn’t see your earlier post and since people sometimes lie on the internet he doubts you.

Allow does not mean enforce. What blizz said is they won’t punish the trade if they discover it. They never said they would enforce it if things go awry. Which is possible since it’s not a direct trade and involves trust between strangers.

Link to your post with GM reply please.