How much gold do you have?

warbear leather is oddly the most valuable leather in the current version - that transmog market

I am multiboxing three chars and had 300g by lvl 43, I have 240g at lvl 49

Sitting at roughly 230g at 54. 100g of that is a BoE that sold really well.

27g at lvl 34, I’ve been mining, questing and vendoring everything. Also gonna wait until I have my lvl 40 mount to rank up skills.

43… at level 43… life is hard… warrior is expensive. i may get my mount someday… i may not!

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Only like 100g =( I’ve been leveling engineerig so Mithril/Thorium is very expensive it’s gonna be rough to get 300. I’m trying to max engineering so I can mess people up in PvP

Level 47: 85g, all the skill training I needed, and my mount. I haven’t been farming as much now, though. I’ve killed Archaedas, like, 6 times and only seen rings. I only had to run ZF twice to clear every quest and get Big Bad Pauldrons, though.

lvl 16, 40 silver

34g at lvl 36. I don’t see me having 100g at 40 by just doing SM aoe runs. On the other hand i don’t really need a mount if I’m just dungeon farming.

15g @ level 27, after buying some gear at the AH. I know, I know, that’s a big no-no, but really, you should have seen my gear.

Level 51 with roughly 300g in gold, another 100g in stuff listed on the AH, a few of the BOE endgame items purchased, and 90g invested in long term assets (twink items)

My long term investments have already doubled in price from my latest AH scan. Plan on selling when they are 8x investment price.

93g at 35. Found a good grind spot and have both mining and herb. Stayed on top of my mining as I leveled so that I could get to iron and mithril as soon as possible.

1g, i just bought my mount and now i need to make a couple more gold for my skills!

Til i hit the trainer again. T.T

I am so sorry. Wait by the mailbox and you will get a surprise.

Several ounces kept in a safe.

Oh, you mean in game.

I’m at about 370ish I think, still got a long ways to go though lol

I think it will be 10 when i get back on

I maybe have like 50 silver…and thats a big maybe.
I just send over so many mats, BoE’s that I collect, pots and anything else that can be used by one of my low level alts or my brothers who have lower level toons as well.
If I were to only focus on this guy and sell everything I looted, I’d probably sit around close to 30-40g

Just hit 56 last night and at 400g, tailoring skinning as prof. Hoping to be at 5 - 600g at 60. Saving for epic mount.