How much gold do you have?

Skinning & Mining. Will eventually drop skinning and pick up engineering to go with mining for the long haul. Raw materials are just worth too much right now to not be selling them.


Way back in the day, my one guild pooled money to buy the guild leader a mount. He was 60 without his lvl 40 mount. Kept spending gold on the guild members, buying bags and stuff.

Was kinda sweet, really.


Lvl 29 with 25g. I’d say I’m doing well so far. Been taking advantage of herbalism and tailoring to sell bags. And I’ve just started getting the herbs that are selling for over 1g per 20 stack. I should be able to afford my mount at 40. I love farming for nodes and playing the AH. Its one of the best parts of classic.

Bout 550 now.

8g at level 20 after training, etc. The struggle is real. :laughing:

37.5 and at 72 gold…I will make sure I have the gold for mount at 40. Skills on the other hand…eh we will see.

I dont even want to say how much I have. I picked tailoring/enchanting. I forgot what I did 15 years ago tbh. I Figured DEing stuff and making bags would get me there. Should I respec a new prof?

lvl 36 and 12 gold. Training always wipes me out training, water, and repairs are the only things I spend gold on. I have decided to no longer train until I get enough for a mount.

I am a level 23 Hunter and currently have around 8 gold. I had 10 but I went to train some skills without looking at cost and it dropped me big time.

I have about 4g at level 18 (my level 10 has 1.5g and my level 18 has 2.5g). I played this game back when it came out, I played on private servers, and I still feel like I’m always behind the gold game pre-level 40

Level 40, 12s.

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I got my mount, and my son’s (helped him) and I’m back to 10g.

Level 19, 4 gold.
Expect to be 2 gold at level 20.

lvl 26, 3g

Purchasing Demon skills AND normal skills is rough.

70g, just selling greys and greens to the vendor

Gosh I loved AC! Miss it sooooo much! Wish someone would bring THAT back in a classic version!

40g. The grind for 900g begins… =(

level 32. 3g… down from 40 because I forgot I was on classic and wouldn’t be able to just send myself that gold from my paladin.

ur doing amazing. im lvl 16 with 5 silver

I was told Skinning/Herbalism is the money maker but I just don’t see it. I can barely sell my skins and herbs above vendor price.