How much gold do you have

I have 6g lvl 25 tailor/enchant. Wonder if ill get my mount at 40

About 15G at Level 21.

I have 3g at level 34 :expressionless: but I like to buy every skill and invest a lot in professions. At some point I will find a good humanoid mob spot and just grind to 100g.


Im just getting the absolute necessary for aoe

36g im lvl31

5G at level 33, but I’ve been disenchanting all of my greens as a warlock. Not concerned as my mount will be free.

Im not that worried either honestly…couple of zf graveyard runs and ill have enough

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160g at 39

Level 52, 503g atm

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54 and have about 450g. But a lot of my assets are in items that will go up in value.

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20 silver and some pocket lint


47g level 35

1g 40s !! WOOHOO

i currently have 9g 63 silver and 93 copper at level 56. All of my gold is invested into items that will raise in value, right now is the worst time to sell your goods. Don’t do it.

If you lvl by questing, you ll usually have enough for mount somewhere between 39-42 on avg.

I have maybe 3 gold and I’m 36 although I haven’t sold anything. All my gathering mats and greens I sent to my bank alt. I am a warlock though :tada:

I have 22g at level 33.
Dual gathering Herbalism + Skinning.
Herbalism is at 187/Skinning is at 225.
All 12 slot bags. Loaded up on BoEs.
Life is good as a dual gatherer =P

35g at level 33, I think I’m doing pretty good this time around. Blacksmithing has been putting in work!

Level 28, about 8g over my two characters.

70g at lvl 39