How much for a Boost?

How much money are you will to pay to boost a character from level 1 to level 58?

Obviously, if you are not interested or against the boost, this conversation does not apply to you. So no need to respond with comments in that regard.

Me personally, i’d be ok with $20.00.

Yea they’re gonna anyways lol

I could go up to 40$ for all I care.

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Most likely it’ll be $60 USD similar to the retail boost. They might even do a deal that if you buy a year subscription you’ll get a character boost but we don’t know until we know.


Eek. $60 is a bit rough. I don’t think I can justify that cost for myself.

Although, if I recall correctly. Don’t you get 1 free in Retail, and additionals cost money?

You get one for free as part of an expansion purchase in retail.

But we won’t be buying TBC.

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Probably the point. High enough to make bots think twice

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I am going with the $60 guess until I hear otherwise from Blizzard. That price aligns with the current price for boost on retail.

They may make it lower since they want to encourage new players so they may price it $40 or even $20, but we still do not know.

For me, better to expect $60 and be surprised when its cheaper, then expect $20 and get a sticker shock later.


Honestly, I don’t believe the boost will cost $60 like it does on retail. This is too steep a price just to skip the base game on one character only.

But Blizzard know that people will buy the boost tho (including the anti-booster vocal minority crowd), so they’re likely to get away with a $60 price tag, even if I don’t agree with that kinda price.

Strictly discussing the potential cost of the boost, I agree with this.

I don’t see any incentive for Acti/Blizz to not charge the same cost as retail. They kept the sub cost the same (to play WoW in general), and I just don’t see Acti/Blizz with how MTX happy they are to charge less for a TBC boost.

Bobby K needs that Yacht bonus to come from somewhere, afterall.

If anything, I wouldn’t be surprised if the TBC boost actually costs MORE than its retail version, since in retail the leveling process literally is a useless chore at this point in time and all their development goes in to end-game and other micro-transactions.

better be 60 bare minimum. hope its more.

Same! We gotta make up for the allegedly incredible amount of people exodusing the game currently due to the boosts…oh wait

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Honestly I’d be okay with the normal boost price… I’d prefer it to be cheaper, but to not have to suffer through vanilla, that price is worth it to me.

If it is anywhere near $60 I hope they announce that soon so the antiboost crowd can move on to their next tired argument instead of just “bUt tHe bOtS”. I’d like to see some new garbage.


I, like most here, would wager it around $60 like current cost. I have no use for it though /shrug.

Money isn’t an object for most people that want boosts… it won’t be more than $60+tax.

i hope its $60 or more.
im not against the boost but if you wanna be on my level then you gotta pay the price.

Try “DPS LFG - Stockades” in trade or LFG chat… you’ll get offers for boost runs, and that’s it.

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I expect it to be either $40 or $60. The controversy around it will likely determine their ultimate price.

I just look for some big dumb pallie to run me through.