How many undead rogues

I mean they are talking about “balancing” racials in some way. My main is a rogue and I personally don’t really care about EMFH. Removing racials from arenas definitely seems like something that they would do, though, so don’t be surprised if they go that route.

Flips are always BIS. :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:


the flips are cool, but meld n combat as an extra vanish or just adding vanish immuning to any other class to dodge incoming CC like coil is kinda OP. I think it drops combat also (cant confirm) if it does then its actually BiS for warriors, Druids, etc.

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SSSSHHHH SSHHHHHH dont say it out loud!

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I think i might go back and edit my post so we are not swimming in nelf dominance… frankly druid having vanish is kinda ridiculous when they already get to immune half the CC in game.

people thinking human is BiS are living in the past and cant see how unreasonably strong other options are.


My DK is gonna be nelf too.

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cant blame ya, skill based immuning big damage and CC is rather insane.

Shame you’re on mankirk, we could be friends.

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